研究了4 ℃冷藏7 d过程中黄鳝片肌肉品质变化和菌群结构的变化,测定了黄鳝片色差,微观结构,pH值,挥发性盐基氮(Total Volatile Base Nitrogen,TVB-N),菌落总数(Total Viable Count,TVC)等理化指标及挥发性物质和游离氨基酸等风味物质含量,并以细菌属与特征化学指标、色差相关指标以及关键氨基酸进行相关性分析。结果发现:随着冷藏时间延长,黄鳝片颜色逐渐发黄最终呈棕褐色,肌肉细胞间隙逐渐增大,TVB-N含量,TVC和H*值逐渐上升,R630/580、必需氨基酸含量逐渐下降,其中pH值第1天从7.02降至6.19(P<0.05),TVC和TVB-N含量分别在第3天和第7天超过限值;冷藏期间黄鳝片对传感器W5S的响应度最高,3 d后鳝鱼片气味发生较大改变,亮氨酸含量降低。黄鳝片冷藏过程中微生物多样性逐渐降低,冷藏前期(3 d)优势菌属为巨球菌属和不动杆菌,3 d后为环丝菌属和假单胞菌、肉杆菌属。相关性分析结果表明,冷藏期间R630/580,H*值,pH值,TVC,TVB-N以及丝氨酸、甘氨酸和亮氨酸含量均与群落结构具有极显著相关性,而微生物生长是冷藏期间黄鳝片新鲜度、色度和风味变化的主要原因。该研究为黄鳝冷鲜加工提供理论依据。
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The changes in muscle quality and microbial community structure of eel (Asian swamp eel, Monopterus albus) slices during 7 days of cold storage at 4 ℃ were assessed by measuring physicochemical indexes, such as color difference, microstructure, pH value, total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), and total viable count (TVC), as well as flavor-related substances, such as volatile compounds and free amino acids. Furthermore, associations of bacterial genera with characteristic chemical indexes, color difference indexes, and key amino acids were examined. The results showed, that with the prolongation of cold storage, the color of eel slices gradually became yellow and finally turned brown, and the muscle cell gap, TVB-N content, TVC, and H* value all gradually increased, whereas the R630/580 ratio and the levels of essential amino acids gradually decreased. Specifically, the pH value diminished from 7.02 to 6.19 on day 1 (P<0.05), while the TVC and TVB-N contents exceeded the corresponding limits on days 3 and 7, respectively. The response of eel slices to the sensor W5S was the highest during the cold storage period. After day 3, the odors of the eel slices changed considerably, and the leucine contents decreased. The microbial diversity of eel slices gradually decreased during cold storage, and the dominant genera were Macrococcus and Acinetobacter in the early cold storage period (first three days) and Brochothrix, Pseudomonas, and Carnobacterium after day 3. The results of correlation analysis showed that R630/580, H*, pH, TVC, and TVB-N values as well as the serine, glycine, and leucine contents significantly correlated with the microbial community structure during cold storage; furthermore, microbial growth was the main reason for the changes in freshness, color, and flavor of eel slices during cold storage. This study provides a theoretical basis for cold processing of Asian swamp eels.