为探究臭氧水杀菌后冰藏牡蛎蛋白质和呈味物质含量变化,以新鲜牡蛎肉为研究对象,采用4 mg/L臭氧水作用2 min对去壳牡蛎肉进行杀菌处理,并分析杀菌后0 ℃冰藏牡蛎肉荧光和红外光谱、粒度、溶解性和浊度、呈味核苷酸及氨基酸的变化。结果表明,臭氧水杀菌导致牡蛎肉蛋白质发生聚集,表现为粒径和浊度增大,活性巯基含量显著下降(P<0.05),但改善了冰藏后期牡蛎肉的聚集程度,牡蛎肌原纤维蛋白二级和三级结构没有显著变化(P>0.05)。牡蛎呈味核苷酸以5’-肌苷酸(IMP)为主,臭氧水杀菌增加了牡蛎肉中IMP含量(P<0.05),降低了5’-鸟苷酸(GMP)含量(P<0.05),贮藏后期的各组牡蛎肉呈味核苷酸含量显著降低(P<0.05)。在牡蛎肉中共检测到6种呈味氨基酸,占氨基酸总量的33.48%,经臭氧水杀菌处理后,呈味氨基酸比例下降到30.18%。综上所述,臭氧水杀菌后,冰温贮藏牡蛎肉蛋白结构没有显著变化, 提高了冰藏后期蛋白质稳定性,但降低了呈味物质的含量。研究结果为臭氧水在水产保鲜中的应用提供了参考。
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In order to investigate the changes of ozone water sterilization treatment on the protein and flavor substance content of oysters, fresh oyster meat was used as the object, and the shelled oyster meat was treated with 4 mg/L ozonated water for 2 min, the changes in fluorescence spectrum, infrared spectrum, particle size, solubility, turbidity, flavor nucleotides and amino acid composition of oyster meat after sterilization were analyzed during storage at 0 ℃. Ozone-water sterilization results in protein aggregation in oyster meat, which showed an increase in particle size and turbidity, the content of active sulfhydryl in oysters was decreased (P < 0.05), the aggregation degree of oyster flesh protein after freezing storage was improved, and there were no significant changes in the secondary and tertiary structure of the oyster myofibrillar protein (P > 0.05). The flavor nucleotides of oysters were mainly 5 '-inosine acid (IMP), IMP content was increased after ozone water sterilization (P < 0.05), and 5' -guanylic acid (GMP) content was decreased in oyster meat (P < 0.05), the flavor nucleotide content of all groups was significantly decreased at the later storage stage (P < 0.05), which was lower than that of control group (P < 0.05). A total of 6 kinds of flavorful amino acids were detected in oyster meat, accounting for 33.48% of the total amino acids. After sterilization with ozone water, the proportion of flavorful amino acids decreased to 30.18%. There were no significant changes in the structure of myofibrillar protein in frozen oyster meat after sterilization, but the number of flavor substance content was reduced. The results provides a reference for the application of ozone water in aquatic preservation.