为确定藏羊肉的最佳湿式成熟条件,该研究以青海藏羊肉为试材,通过测定pH值、剪切力、色差、菌落总数、蒸煮损失、离心损失、脂肪氧化及蛋白氧化指标。探讨置于4℃和10℃环境下进行湿式成熟的藏羊肉,在成熟的第0、1、3、5、7 d后品质变化情况。结果表明:藏羊肉10℃成熟3 d后,pH值开始回升,与新鲜肉(0 d)相比,剪切力下降到49.69 N,蒸煮损失、离心损失下降到30.85%、9.37%,差异显著(P<0.05),藏羊肉完全成熟;4℃成熟5 d后pH值开始回升,与新鲜肉(0 d)相比,剪切力下降到51.52 N,蒸煮损失、离心损失下降到29.37%、10.12%,差异显著(P<0.05),藏羊肉完全成熟。4℃和10℃条件下藏羊肉完全成熟时,藏羊肉的颜色、脂肪氧化、蛋白氧化差异不显著。因此,10℃条件藏羊肉完全成熟需要的时间更短,嫩化速度更快,持水力更好。该研究可为提高青海藏羊肉的品质提供理论依据。
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In order to determine the optimal wet-aging conditions of Tibetan sheep, Qinghai Tibetan sheep was used as the test material in this study. The pH value, shear force, chromatic aberration, total number of colonies, cooking loss, centrifugal loss, fat oxidation and protein oxidation indexes were measured. The quality changes of wet-aging Tibetan sheep at 4℃ and 10℃ after 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 days of maturation were investigated. The results showed that the pH value of Tibetan sheep began to rise after-aging at 10℃ for 3 d, compared with fresh meat (0 d), the shear force decreased to 49.69 N, and the cooking loss and centrifugal loss decreased to 30.85 % and 9.37 %, respectively (P<0.05), Tibetan sheep was fully aged. After 5 days of aging at 4℃, the pH value began to rise, compared with fresh meat (0 d), the shear force decreased to 51.52 N, the cooking loss and centrifugal loss decreased to 29.37 % and 10.12 %, the difference was significant (P<0.05), and the Tibetan sheep was completely aged. Under the condition