以月柿为原料,进行区域划分后,探究新鲜和不同微波干燥时间(11、13、15 min)、功率(415、485、555 W)、装载量(2.15、2.35、2.55 kg/m2)下月柿果片六个区域(A1、A2、B1、B2、C1、C2)水分、色泽和不同酚类组成及含量的变化。结果表明:新鲜月柿果片A2区域水分、总酚、总类黄酮、总黄烷醇及柿单宁含量最高,分别为81.92%、125.68、38.58、12.77、111.29 mg/g;微波干燥使月柿果片不同区域水分和不同酚类含量总体均降低,色泽由黄色变为棕黑色;微波干燥过程中,B2区域变化特征最显著,水分含量最低,最先出现褐变,随后蔓延至其它区域。不同指标相关性分析表明:总酚和柿单宁含量与亮度值(L*)呈显著正相关(P<0.05),和总色差(ΔE)呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。微波干燥会造成月柿果片色泽劣变,不再具备新鲜月柿色泽。其色泽变化与酚类自氧化反应有关,类黄酮类和黄烷醇类化合物不是造成月柿果片色泽劣变的原因。研究结果为月柿干制利用提供参考,进一步从酚类角度研究调控月柿色泽变化的方法。
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Using persimmons as raw materials, the changes in moisture, color, and phenolic composition and content in six regions (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2) of persimmon slices were investigated under fresh and different microwave drying times (11, 13, 15 min), powers (415, 485, 555 W), and loading capacities (2.15, 2.35, 2.55 kg/m2). The results showed that the contents of water, total phenolics, total flavonoids, total flavanols, and persimmon tannins in the A2 region of fresh persimmon slices were the highest at 81.92%, 125.68, 38.58, 12.77, and 111.29 mg/g, respectively. Microwave drying was found to reduce the overall water and phenolic contents in different regions of persimmon slices, and the color changed from yellow to brownish black. During the microwave drying, changes in the B2 region were the most pronounced, with the lowest water content. Browning first occurred in the B2 region and then spread to other regions. Correlation analysis showed that the contents of total phenolics and persimmon tannins were significantly and positively correlated with brightness (L*) (P<0.05) and significantly and negatively correlated with the total chromatic aberration (ΔE) (P<0.05). Microwave drying can cause the color of persimmon slices to deteriorate, and microwave-dried persimmon slices can no longer have the color of fresh persimmon. The color change is related to the self-oxidation of phenolics, and flavonoids and flavanols are not responsible for the color deterioration of persimmon slices. The results of this study can provide a reference for the drying of persimmon. Further studies should be conducted on the regulation of color changes in persimmon from the perspective of phenolics.