该文采用绿色可降解、经济、具有广阔应用前景的淀粉基发泡板为基体材料,研发了一种可对二氧化硫(SO2)气体进行缓释的可降解保鲜垫,并对其微观结构、吸湿行为及SO2缓控释放特性进行了研究。研究中选用焦亚硫酸钠作为前驱体,基于淀粉发泡材料湿敏特性逐步吸收环境中水分发生化学反应,缓控释放出SO2气体。选用三种不同焦亚硫酸钠用量(1.6、8.0、16.0 g/m2)的保鲜垫应用于生鲜面保鲜研究,测定了贮存过程中生鲜面的形貌、水分含量、色差值、菌落总数、霉菌菌落数、蒸煮特性及SO2残留量等指标。试验结果表明,使用含量为8.0 g/m2的保鲜垫的生鲜面褐变情况较轻,失水率、吸水率仅下降0.9%、9%,蒸煮时间仅缩短70 s,48 h后菌落总数为0.7×105 CFU/g,符合国家标准,在常温下可将生鲜面的保质期从不到24 h延长至48 h以上,同时SO2残留量约为1.35 mg/kg,远低于国家食品使用中的限制要求(10 mg/kg)。该研究成果表明含量为8.0 g/m2的保鲜垫对生鲜面保鲜效果最好。该研究为生鲜面及其他食品保鲜提供了一种新的途径和方案。
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A novel, biodegradable, and cost-effective starch-based foam has been developed for packaging fresh noodle products of high commercial value. The packaging pads were designed to enable the formation of a modulable antimicrobial atmosphere by pre-embedding sodium metabisulfite (at three concentrations: 1.6, 8.0, and 16.0 g/m2) as precursors. An antimicrobial atmosphere showing controlled sulfur dioxide release is created via chemical interactions of the sodium metabisulfite with the environmental moisture. Throughout the storage period, various crucial parameters, including overall appearance, moisture content, color score, total bacterial/mold count, cooking properties, and sulfur dioxide residual content, were continuously monitored. The results indicate that the severity of browning in fresh noodles was reduced when the pad with a sodium metabisulfite concentration of 8.0 g/m2 was used. Additionally, the water loss and absorption rates of the fresh noodles decreased only by 0.9% and 9%, respectively, and the optimum cooking time was shortened only by 70 s. The total bacterial count was maintained at 0.7×105 CFU/g at 48 h, meeting national standards. Thus, the shelf life was extended from 24 h to at least 48 h. Furthermore, an ideal low residual sulfur dioxide concentration (approximately 1.35 mg/kg), which was significantly lower than the national standard safety limit (10 mg/kg), was maintained. The results demonstrate that the preservation pad with a sodium metabisulfite concentration of 8.0 g/ m2 is the most effective in preserving fresh noodles. The present study introduces an innovative solution for preserving fresh noodles and other similar instant foods.