糖苷生物碱(Glycoside Alkaloids, Gas)作为马铃薯中天然存在的次生代谢产物,既能帮助植物抵昆虫及微生物的侵害,又因其广泛药理学活性应用于医药研究,但高含量的糖苷生物碱又会对人类生命健康造成威胁。GAs生物合成起始于乙酰辅酶A,其中胆固醇是重要合成中间体,胆固醇通过一些羟基化、氧化、转氨化和糖基化反应最终合成GAs。糖苷生物碱合成受到遗传、栽培与储存方式以及环境因素的影响,光是调节植物生长发育过程的重要环境信号,糖苷生物碱的生物合成亦会受到光信号调节,光照会诱导其含量显著提高。此外,植物激素作为影响光响应的内源信号也参与到了GAs生物合成途径中。该文从马铃薯糖苷生物碱的特性、生物合成途径、光调控机制以及提取与检测方法等方面进行综述,以进一步加深对糖苷生物碱的认识,完善糖苷生物碱的分子调控机制。
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As a naturally occurring secondary metabolite in potatoes, glycoalkaloids (GAs) not only help plants resist attacks from insects and microorganisms, but are also used in medical research due to their extensive pharmacological activities. However, high levels of glycoside alkaloids pose a threat to human life and health. GA biosynthesis begins with acetyl-CoA, in which cholesterol is an important synthesis intermediate. Cholesterol is then synthesized into GAs via a series of reactions, including hydroxylation, oxidation, transamination. GA synthesis is affected by genetics, cultivation, storage methods, and environmental factors. Light is an important environmental signal for regulating the growth and development processes of plants. GA biosynthesis is also regulated by light signals, which can significantly increase their content. In addition, plant hormones are also involved in the GAs biosynthesis pathway as endogenous signals that affect light responses. In this study, the characteristics, biosynthetic pathways, photoregulatory mechanisms, extraction, and detection methods of potato GAs are reviewed to further our understanding of glycoalkaloids and their molecular regulation mechanisms.