该研究采用三种不同温湿度贮藏条件对毛椰子果的品质变化进行分析。结果表明在25 ℃/70%贮藏条件下毛椰子果贮藏8 w后椰肉品质仍可接受,部分变质(坏果率24.07%),但部分出现无椰子水、椰肉干瘪现象;在35 ℃/80%条件下贮藏5 w后变质果已较多(坏果率59.26%);在45 ℃/90%条件下贮藏4 w后全部变质(坏果率100%)。变质后椰肉内表面出现变色、变软等现象。随着贮藏温湿度和贮藏时间的增加,毛椰子果的失重率明显增加,最高达到35.98%;椰肉油脂酸价也不断升高(由0.09 mg/g升至0.30 mg/g),变质果达到0.44 mg/g;总脂肪酸、饱和与不饱和脂肪酸都降低,总脂肪酸含量由733.66 mg/g最低降至25 ℃/70%贮藏8 w后的496.14 mg/g,变质果降低的更严重(200.08 mg/g)。随着贮藏时间的增加,椰子水可溶性固形物含量增加(由3.70 ºBrix增至7.00 ºBrix)。变质后pH值降低(低至4.22)、浑浊度增加(高达0.74)。综上所述,不同温湿度贮藏条件使毛椰子果品质发生了较大变化,该研究为毛椰子果贮藏过程中品质控制及变质果的筛选提供了一定的理论基础。
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The quality changes of de-husked coconuts were analyzed under three different temperature and humidity storage conditions. The results showed that coconut meat quality remained acceptable after eight weeks of storage at 25 ℃/70% humidity, with some coconut spoiling (spoilage rate was 24.07%), and some losing all of their coconut water or showing shriveled coconut meat. After five weeks of storage at 35 ℃/80% humidity, additional coconuts were spoiled (59.26% spoilage rate). After storing at 45 ℃/90% humidity for four weeks, all fruit spoiled (100% spoilage rate). Conditions such as discoloration and softening appeared on the inner surface of the meat of spoiled coconut. With the increase in storage temperature, humidity, and time, the weight loss rate of de-husked coconuts increased significantly, reaching a maximum of 35.98%. The acid value of coconut oil also increased (from 0.09 mg/g to 0.30 mg/g), reaching up to 0.44 in spoiled coconuts. The total fatty acid, saturated fatty acid, and unsaturated fatty acid all decreased, with the total fatty acid decreasing from 733.66 mg/g to 496.14 mg/g, which was the value after storing at 25 ℃/70% for eight weeks. This decrease was worse in spoiled coconuts (200.08 mg/g). The soluble solids content of coconut water increased with increasing storage time (from 3.70 ºBrix to 7.00 ºBrix). The pH value of coconut water decreased, and turbidity increased in spoiled coconuts. In summary, different temperature and humidity storage conditions resulted in substantial variations in the quality of de-husked coconuts. This study provided a theoretical basis for quality control and screening of spoiled coconut in storage.