为了研究黄冠梨贮藏期间风味品质和感官特征的变化,该文运用风味品质分析和感官评价并结合偏最小二乘回归(PLSR)的方法解析了影响黄冠梨贮藏期间感官特征变化的风味化合物。研究表明,黄冠梨通过90 d的冷藏和7 d的货架贮藏,果肉中的葡萄糖含量由14.73 mg/g升至18.29 mg/g,总酸含量由4.07 mg/g降至2.43 mg/g,苹果酸、柠檬酸和奎宁酸的含量分别由1.98 mg/g、1.02 mg/g、0.82 mg/g降至1.38 mg/g、0.64 mg/g、0.26 mg/g;同时,果皮和果肉中的酯类、醇类和烯类物质含量增多,醛类物质含量减少。感官评价结果表明,冷藏90 d和货架7 d黄冠梨的甜度和梨味感官特征上升,外观、酸度和硬度等感官特征下降;PLSR进一步解析了影响黄冠梨感官特征的关键化合物。此外,电子舌结果发现冷藏90 d和货架7 d黄冠梨的甜味上升,酸味和涩味下降;电子鼻结果表明贮后0 d黄冠梨的香气特征与冷藏90 d与货架7 d的香气特征具有显著差异。综上,该研究揭示了黄冠梨风味品质和感官特征之间的关系,为梨果实风味品质评价提供了理论依据。
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In order to study the changes of flavor quality and sensory characteristics of ‘Huangguan’ pear during storage, this paper analyzes the flavor compounds affecting the changes of sensory characteristics of ‘Huangguan’ pear during storage by using flavor quality analysis and sensory evaluation combined with partial least squares regression (PLSR) method. Through 90 d cold storage and 7 d shelf-life storage, it is demonstrated that the glucose content in ‘Huangguan’ pear flesh increased from 14.73 mg/g to 18.29 mg/g, the total acid content decreases from 4.07 mg/g to 2.43 mg/g, and the content of malic acid, citric acid and quinic acid decreases from 1.98 mg/g, 1.02 mg/g, 0.82 mg/g to 1.38 mg/g, 0.64 mg/g, 0.26 mg/g, respectively; meanwhile, the content of esters, alcohols and alkenes increase and aldehydes content decrease both for ‘Huangguan’ pear flesh and peel. It is shown that the sweetness and aroma sensory attributes of ‘Huangguan’ pear increase, while the appearance, sourness and hardness sensory attributes of ‘Huangguan’ pear decrease, after 90 d cold storage and 7 d shelf-life storage by sensory evaluation results; PLSR is further used to screen the vital variables affecting the sensory attributes of ‘Huangguan’ pear. In addition, it is found that the sweetness of ‘Huangguan’ pear increases and the acidity and astringency decrease after 90 d cold storage and 7 d shelf-life storage by electronic tongue results and it is showed that the aroma characteristics of ‘Huangguan’ pear for 0 d post-storage are significantly different from the aroma characteristics of that after 90 d cold storage and 7 d shelf-life storage by electronic nose results. In conclusion, the relationships between the flavor quality and sensory characteristics of ‘Huangguan’ pear are analyzed in order to provide theoretical basis for the flavor quality evaluation.