将不同品种茶树鲜叶按传统工艺加工成白茶,采用感官审评法、分光光度计法、气相色谱-质谱法和超高液相色谱法分析分析白茶的品质特征及其脂溶性色素和滋味成分,探析不同品种白茶的呈味呈色特征差异。结果表明:白茶的感官品质存在品种差异,‘中茗7号’、‘中茶108’和‘中茶302’绿翠且有白毫,‘福鼎大毫茶’、‘中茶302’与‘鸠坑’的汤色与滋味因子得分超过90分。‘鸠坑’和‘中茶302’的类胡萝卜素与叶绿素比值接近‘福鼎大毫茶’(2.3),小于‘中黄1号’(3.3);‘中茶108’的有机酸和糖类化合物含量分别比其它品种高2.9 mg/g和11.6 mg/g,‘福鼎大毫茶’的氨基酸类化合物在的含量较其它品种高,达到22.3 mg/g;同一品种中,糖类化合物的含量高于有机酸和氨基酸类化合物,蔗糖、半乳糖醇、果糖和肌醇等组分的含量较高,高达15.1 mg/g;儿茶素在‘鸠坑’中的总量高于其他品种,且比‘福鼎大毫茶’高了40.3%。由此可见,白茶滋味、色泽品质及其表征成分存在明显的品种特色,可为开发白茶新产品提供参考资料。
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The fresh leaves of different varieties of tea plants were processed into white tea according to the traditional process. The quality characteristics, lipid-soluble pigments and taste components of the white tea samples were examined through sensory evaluation spectrophotometric measurements, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) analyses, respectively, to analyze the differences in flavor and color characteristics among the different varieties of white tea. Results showed that the sensory quality of white tea differed among varieties. Zhongming 7, Zhongcha 108 and Zhongcha 302 white tea samples were green in color and contained white “pekoe” hairs. Fuding Dahao, Zhongcha 302 and Jiukeng white tea samples had soup color and taste scores above 90. The ratios of carotenoids to chlorophylls of Jiukeng and Zhongcha 302 were close to those of Fuding Dahao (2.3) but lower that those of Zhonghuang 1 (3.3). The contents of organic acids and carbohydrates of Zhongcha 108 were higher than other varieties by 2.9 mg/g and 11.6 mg/g, respectively. The content of amino acids of Fuding Dahao was higher than those of other varieties, reaching 22.3 mg/g. For the same variety, the content of carbohydrate was higher than the contents of organic acids and amino acids, and the contents of sucrose, dulcitol, fructose and inositol were relatively high, reaching 15.1 mg/g. The total content of catechins of Jiukeng white tea was higher than those of other varieties, and 40.3% higher than that of Fuding Dahao. Therefore, the taste and color quality of white teas as well as their characterized components showed obvious variety-dependent characteristics, which can provide a reference for the development of new white tea products.