由于市面上的动物奶油价格较高并伴随着畜牧业对生态环境的影响,以及氢化植脂奶油对健康危害的问题,奶油需要一种更为健康、安全、经济可行的替代方案。该研究利用鹰嘴豆加工副产物豆汁作为原材料,通过回收煮豆后的剩余豆汁,以豆汁中蛋白含量为标准,浓缩处理至其蛋白含量为2 wt.%。进而考量不同pH值和油含量对所制备的奶油的起泡性、稳定性、微观结构、宏观形貌、粘度和硬度的影响。研究发现,pH值(pH值3.0~8.0)对奶油的起泡性无显著影响,但泡沫稳定性和粘度呈先增加后减小趋势,pH值为4.0时达到最高。而随着油含量增加(0~50 wt.%)起泡性下降,但稳定性明显改善,通过显微镜观察到大量乳滴吸附于气泡表面,稳定了泡沫结构。当pH值为4.0且质量分数为25 wt.%时经发泡的奶油性状最佳,此时发泡性为123.39%(优于动物奶油),室温放置6 h稳定性达100%。该天然植物基奶油的开发可实现鹰嘴豆加工副产物的再利用,替代成本较高的动物奶油以及不利于人体健康的氢化植脂奶油。
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Because dairy cream costs relatively high, animal husbandry brings about environmental problems, and the hydrogenated non-dairy cream might cause health impacts, a more healthy, safe, and economical cream product alternative is required. In this study, a chickpea processing by-product, i.e., aquafaba, was recycled after boiling chickpeas and concentrated until its protein concentration reached 2 wt.%. Next, a plant-based cream was prepared and the effects of the pH and oil content on the foamability, stability, microstructure, appearance, viscosity, and hardness of the cream were investigated. It was found that pH (pH value 3.0~8.0) had insignificant influence on the foamability. However, foam stability and viscosity increased then decreased as a function of pH and peaked when pH was 4.0. Besides, foamability decreased with increasing oil content (0~50 wt.%), but foam stability was remarkably improved. Furthermore, microscopic observations showed a large number of emulsion droplets absorbed on the bubble surface, thereby stabilizing the foam structure. The quality of the prepared plant-based cream was optimal when pH and and φ were 4.0 and 25 wt.%, respectively. Under these conditions, the foamability was 123.39% (better than dairy cream) and the stability was maintained at 100% after standing for 6 h at room temperature. The innovative development of this natural plant-based cream can realize the reutilization of-chickpea processing by-products, and plant-based cream may become an ideal substitute for high-cost dairy cream and unhealthy hydrogenated non-dairy cream.