由致病菌等微生物污染所引起的食源性疾病和食品腐败变质始终是食品工业面临的巨大难题,而传统的抗生素防腐剂所产生的细菌耐药性会对人体健康造成潜在的威胁。出于人们对于安全和绿色防腐剂的巨大需求,细菌素的研究愈发成为焦点,以期发现可有效控制食源性病原体的新型抗菌物质。细菌素是细菌分泌的多肽或前体多肽,分子量在1~100 ku之间不均匀分布,可以杀死或抑制同一生态系统中竞争营养物质的敏感细菌,少数细菌素还表现出抗病毒和抗真菌等特性。已有研究发现的细菌素具有不同的作用模式,例如:成孔、抑制细胞壁/核酸/蛋白质合成等。该研究综述了细菌素的种类与抑菌作用机制,并结合最新的细菌素在食品工业上的应用,全面概述了细菌素抑菌的特性及其对未来食品行业的应用前景与展望,为细菌素更好的应用在食品工业中提供一定的理论依据,同时对推动食品防腐保鲜技术的革新发展具有重要的意义。
[Key word]
Food-borne diseases and food spoilage caused by contamination by pathogens and other microorganisms area major probleminthe food industry. Bacterial resistance to conventional antibiotic preservatives may threatenhuman health. The current huge demand for safe and natural food preservatives has spurred intensive research aiming to develop novel compounds active against foodborne pathogens. Bacteriocins are polypeptides or precursor polypeptides secreted by predator bacterial cells. The molecular weights of bacteriocins range from 1 to 100 ku. Bacteriocins can kill or inhibit sensitive bacteria competing for nutrients in the same ecosystem. A few bacteriocins also exhibit additional antiviral and antifungal properties. Different modes of action of bacteriocins have been reported, including pore formation and inhibition of cell wall/nucleic acid/protein synthesis. This review summarizes the classification, antibacterial mechanisms, and characteristics of bacteriocins, and their latest applicationsin the food industry. The review provides a theoretical basis for the better application of bacteriocins in the food industry and will inform food preservation technology innovation and developments.