该研究根据《GB 4789.28-2013 食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 培养基和试剂的质量控制》(以下简称GB 4789.28-2013)的检测要求,从我国菌种库中筛选出1株鼠伤寒沙门氏菌可等效于GB 4789.28-2013中的标准菌株(ATCC14028),用于评价培养基的质量。该研究联合15家验证机构用7株不同分离源的鼠伤寒沙门氏菌,依据GB 4789.28-2013的检验方法验证不同品牌的培养基,将生长率、选择性与ATCC41028一致性最高的菌株选为标准的等效质控菌株。为确保结果的可重复性和一致性,各实验均采用同品牌同批次的培养基进行验证,每株菌株均由至少5家单位进行验证。综合生长率与选择性的结果,ATCC41028在各品牌培养基上均可良好生长,CMCC(B)50976与ATCC41028结果的一致性最高,而CMCC(B)50976最难进行培养或分离。同时,结果显示,不同品牌、不同人员、不同实验室环境下进行的培养基验证结果均有差异。工作组从7株鼠伤寒沙门氏菌中筛选出CMCC(B)50976作为GB 4789.28的质控菌株,可等效于国外的标准菌株(ATCC14028),新菌株更具有代表性,且减少了国外菌株运输过程中的生物风险。
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The quality of culture media for Salmonella typhimurium was evaluated according to the testing requirements of “GB 4789.28-2013 National Food Safety Standard Food Microbiological Examination - Quality requirements of culture media and reagents” (GB 4789.28-2013). One strain of S. typhimurium equivalent to the ATCC14028 standard strain in GB 4789.28-2013 was selected from the microbial strain bank of China for the evaluation. . As well, seven S. typhimurium from different sources were used by 15 validation laboratories at various institutions to verify different brands of medium according to the GB 4789.28-2013 protocol. The strain with the highest growth rate, selectivity, and consistency with ATCC41028 was selected as the standard equivalent quality control strain. To ensure repeatability and consistency of results, the same brands and batches of media were used for verification in all experiments, and each strain was verified by at least five labs. Growth rate and selectivity results indicated that ATCC41028 grew well on all brands of media. CMCC(B)50976 was most consistent with ATCC41028, while CMCC(B)50976 was the most difficult to culture or isolate. The results of medium validation varied using different brands, personnel, and laboratory environments. The working group selected S. typhimurium strain CMCC(B)50976 as the quality control strain of GB 4789.28, which was equivalent to ATCC14028. The new strain was more representative and reduced the biological risk during transportation of ATCC14028.