该研究测定了实际电商物流和模拟物流过程中鱼片产品的温度变化,并探究了不同终止温度对冷冻鮰鱼片冷藏品质影响。经过实际电商物流中不同运输距离鮰鱼片的温度变化模拟电商物流不同带冰量、包装材料和温度环境下鮰鱼片的温度变化,发现冷冻鱼片的物流终止的温度在0~8 ℃之间。实验设定了3个电商物流终止温度(0、4、8 ℃),模拟鮰鱼片继续冷藏的过程。结果表明,随贮藏时间的延长,鮰鱼片的汁液损失率、b*值、三甲胺含量、硫代巴比妥酸(Thiobarbituric Acid,TBA)含量、挥发性盐基氮(Total Volatile Base Nitrogen,TVB-N)含量、新鲜度(K值)、菌落总数均显著上升,而pH值和色泽无显著影响。另外,电商物流终止温度为0 ℃的鮰鱼片在冷藏过程中,嫩度、三甲胺含量、TBA、TVB-N、K值最低,其次是终止温度为4 ℃的鮰鱼片,而终止温度为8 ℃时冷藏超过6 d,菌落总数为7.12 lg CFU/g超出鲜鱼的最高安全限量值,不推荐食用。电商物流结束时终止温度对后期产品冷藏品质影响较大,终止温度越低,后期冷藏时品质劣变越慢。
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In this study, the temperature changes of catfish fillets in the processes of actual e-commerce logistics and simulated logistics were measured, and the effects of different termination temperatures on the quality of pre-frozen catfish fillets during cold storage were investigated. By simulating the temperature changes of catfish fillets in the actual e-commerce logistics with different transportation distances involving different ice amounts, packaging materials and environmental temperatures, it was found that the termination temperature of frozen catfish fillets in the logistics was between 0 ℃ and 8 ℃. Three e-commerce termination temperatures (0, 4, 8 ℃) were set in the experiment to simulate the continuous refrigeration of catfish fillets. The results showed that with the extension of storage time, drip loss, b* value, trimethylamine content, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) content, total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N) content, freshness (K value) and total viable count of catfish fillets increased significantly, with the pH value and color being affected insignificantly. In addition, when the termination temperature of cold stored catfish fillets was 0 ℃, the tenderness, trimethylamine content, TBA content, TVB-N value and K value were the lowest, followed by the catfish fillets with the termination temperature at 4 ℃, whereas, the total number of bacteria reached 7.12 lg CFU/g (which exceeded the maximum safety limit value of fresh fish, indicating the fish was not suitable for intake), when the cold storage was longer than 6 days and had a termination temperature of 8 ℃. The termination temperature at the end of e-commerce logistics would influence greatly the quality of refrigerated products in the later period. The lower the termination temperature is, the slower the deterioration of quality in the later refrigeration period would be.