该实验以黑胡椒和白胡椒为研究对象,考察-8 ℃下粉碎10、20、30、45、60 s及-16、-8、6 ℃下粉碎60 s对黑、白胡椒粉粒径分布、风味品质的影响。结果表明:粉碎温度、粉碎时间对黑、白胡椒粉的粒径分布、胡椒碱含量、胡椒精油含量影响差异显著。不同粉碎条件下黑、白胡椒粉平均粒径均在100 μm以下,随粉碎时间的延长,黑、白胡椒粉平均粒径缓慢下降,随粉碎温度的升高,黑胡椒粒径分布先增加后减小,白胡椒粒径分布正相反。黑、白胡椒主要风味成分随粉碎时间、粉碎温度变化趋势不相同。加权分析结果显示黑胡椒在-8 ℃下粉碎30 s得分最高,为97.95;白胡椒在6 ℃下粉碎60 s得分最高,为100.00。颗粒大小与加工方式对胡椒风味成分影响显著,推荐黑胡椒的粉碎条件为-8 ℃下粉碎30 s,白胡椒的粉碎条件为6 ℃下粉碎60 s。实验结果对胡椒的粉粹加工及利用具有重要意义。
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Black pepper and white pepper were employed to determine the effects of crushing at -8 ℃ for 10, 20, 30, 45, 60 s and at -16, -8, and 6 ℃ for 60 s on the particle size distribution and flavor quality of black pepper and white pepper powder. The effects of crushing temperature and crushing time on the particle size distribution, piperine content, and pepper essential oil content of black pepper and white pepper were significantly different. The average particle sizes of black pepper and white pepper powder under different crushing conditions were below 100 μm. As the crushing time extended, the average particle sizes of black pepper and white pepper powder slowly decreased. As the crushing temperature increased, the particle size distribution of black pepper increased and then decreased, while the opposite was observed for white pepper. The main flavor components of black pepper and white pepper varied in trend with crushing time and crushing temperature. Weighted analysis revealed that black pepper had the highest score of 97.95 when crushed at -8 ℃ for 30 s and white pepper had the highest score of 100.00 when crushed at 6 ℃ for 60 s. The particle size and processing method had significant effects on the flavor components of pepper, and the recommended crushing conditions were 30 s at -8 ℃ for black pepper and 60 s at 6 ℃ for white pepper. The experimental results have important implications for the crushing process and utilization of pepper.