中畜草原白羽肉鸭(以下简称“草原鸭”)是我国自主培育的肉鸭新品种,为明确草原鸭的肌肉品质及营养优势,该研究选取相同饲养条件下36日龄的草原鸭和樱桃谷鸭对其肌肉中的营养成分进行测定分析。草原鸭的水分、蛋白质和脂肪含量(76.60%、19.30%和1.55%)均低于樱桃谷鸭,但差异不显著(p>0.05);肌苷酸、肌肽、高肌肽含量(0.72、1.93、1.68 g/kg)分别比樱桃谷鸭高20.00%、8.43%、11.26%,鹅肌肽含量(0.53 g/kg)比樱桃谷鸭低10.17%,差异显著(p<0.05);饱和脂肪酸含量(31.52%)较低,单不饱和脂肪酸(40.61%)显著高于樱桃谷鸭(p<0.05),多不饱和脂肪酸(27.42%)显著低于樱桃谷鸭(p<0.05)。草原鸭中必需氨基酸(3.34 g/kg)、鲜味氨基酸(3.46 g/kg)显著高于樱桃谷鸭(p<0.05),其中牛磺酸含量(1.41 g/kg)比樱桃谷鸭高16.53%。综上,草原鸭肌肉中肌苷酸、肌肽、高肌肽等鲜味物质含量丰富,较樱桃谷鸭具有优势(p<0.05),不饱和脂肪酸及鲜味氨基酸含量也优势明显。该研究从营养组分含量差异角度,阐释了草原鸭肉滋味鲜美、营养丰富的品质特征。
[Key word]
China prairie white plumage duck (hereinafter referred to as “prairie duck”) is a new variety of meat duck, cultivated independently in China. In order to clarify the muscle quality and nutritional advantages of prairie duck, 36-day-old prairie ducks and cherry valley ducks were selected and raised under the same feeding conditions for the analyses of the nutritional components in ducks’ muscles. The moisture, protein and fat contents of prairie duck (76.60%, 19.30% and 1.55%) were lower than those of the cherry valley ducks, but the differences were insignificant (p>0.05). The contents of inosinic acid (0.72 g/kg), carnosine (1.93 g/kg) and homocarnosine (1.68 g/kg) of prairie duck were 20.00%, 8.43% and 11.26% higher than those of cherry valley duck (p<0.05), with the anserine content (0.53 g/kg) being 10.17% significant lower than that of cherry valley duck (p<0.05). The saturated fatty acids (31.52%), monounsaturated fatty acids (40.61%) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (27.42%) of prairie duck were significantly lower, higher and lower, respectively, than those in cherry valley duck. The total amounts of essential amino acids (3.34 g/kg) and umami amino acids (3.46 g/kg) in prairie duck were significantly higher than those in cherry valley duck, with the taurine content (1.41 g/kg) in prairie duck being 16.53% higher than that in the cherry valley duck. In summary, the prairie duck was rich in umami substances such as inosinic acid, carnosine and homocarnosine, and had higher contents of unsaturated fatty acids and umami amino acids, thereby being superior to cherry valley duck. In this study, the quality characteristics of prairie duck meat in terms of delicious taste and rich nutrients were explained based on the differences in the contents of nutrient components.