为探究热处理(Heat Treatmeat,HT)技术对新疆甜瓜采后贮藏品质的影响,该试验以早熟品种“西州密25号”、中熟品种“金密3号”和晚熟品种“伽师瓜”为试材,采用不同热处理(温度、漂烫时间)技术工艺处理甜瓜果实,分析甜瓜在常温(23±2)℃贮藏条件下果实生理指标的变化,筛选甜瓜最佳热处理工艺条件,研究不同品种甜瓜热处理工艺的差异性。结果表明:“西州密25号”和“伽师瓜”的热处理条件为62 ℃、15 s、“金密3号”的HT处理条件为58 ℃、15 s。果皮对温度的耐热性不同导致了热处理条件不同,深色瓜皮的耐热性高于浅色瓜皮的耐热性。贮藏至18 d时,“西州密25号”、“金密3号”和“伽师瓜”各处理最优处理组电导率分别为61.24%、65.94%、74.18%与对照组相比分别降低了12.54%、17.72%、10.93%。表明HT技术可以有效延缓了甜瓜果实硬度的下降,抑制果实可溶性固形物(Total Soluble Solids,TSS)的上升,较好地保持了甜瓜的品质。可为HT技术在甜瓜贮藏产业化应用中提供理论和技术支撑。
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The effect of heat treatment (HT) technology on the storage quality of three different varieties of muskmelons cultivated in Xinjiang - an early-ripening variety (Xizhoumi No.25), middle-ripening variety (Jinmi No.3), and late-ripening variety (Jiashi melon) - was investigated. The melons were treated under different HT conditions (temperature and time) to analyze the physiological changes when stored at room temperature (23±2) °C. The optimized HT conditions of different melon varieties were selected and the effects of heating processing on the postharvest quality of the melons were studied. The optimum HT conditions for Xizhoumi No.25 and Jiashi melons were 62 °C and 15 s, whereas those for Jinmi No.3 melons were 58 °C and 15 s. The heat tolerance of the peels influenced the optimum HT conditions; the melon varieties with darker peels were more tolerant than those with lighter peels. After 18 days of storage, the conductivities of Xizhoumi No.25, Jinmi No.3, and Jiashi melons were 61.24%, 65.94%, and 74.18%, respectively, representing decreases of 12.54%, 17.72%, and 10.93% compared with those of the control group. HT technology effectively delayed fruit hardening and remarkably inhibited the increase in total soluble solids content. Thus, the quality of different varieties of melons was better maintained during storage. This study has provided theoretical and technical support for the industrial application of HT technology for muskmelon storage.