动物源农产品是人体摄入蛋白质的主要来源。然而,动物源农产品中兽药残留已逐渐成为消费者关注的食品安全热点问题之一。本研究分别从动物源产品和兽药类别、畜类产品限量值、禽类产品限量值、水产品限量值以及禁用兽药比较了我国最新的兽药残留限量标准GB 31650-2019与CAC标准CX/MRL2-2018。研究表明,我国兽药残留限量标准涉及94种兽药品种及1548个限量值,在数量上已全面超过CAC标准。但在兽药品种方面与CAC标准还存在差异,其中CAC规定限量的4种畜用兽药和3种渔用兽药兽药品种没有列入GB 31650标准清单,因此需要进一步加强该类兽药在我国的使用现状调查与风险评估,推进与国际标准的接轨。研究结果有助于理解我国最新的兽药残留标准与国际标准的差距,推动完善我国动物源性农产品中兽药残留限量标准体系,也可为我国兽药的生产和安全使用提供借鉴。
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Animal-derived agricultural products are the main source of protein for human consumption. However, veterinary drug residues in animal-derived agricultural products have gradually become one of the hot issues of food safety. In this study, China's latest veterinary drug residue limit standard GB 31650-2019 and CAC standard CX/MRL2-2018 were compared from the categories of animal derived products and veterinary drugs, the limit values of livestock products, poultry products, aquatic products and banned veterinary drugs. The results showed that 94 kinds of veterinary drugs and 1548 residue limit values were involved in the standard of GB 31650-2019, which exceeded the CAC standard CX/MRL2-2018 in quantity. However, there are still differences in the categories of veterinary drugs between GB 31650-2019 and CX/MRL2-2018, of which four and three veterinary drugs for livestock product and aquatic product prescribed by CX/MRL2-2018 are not listed in GB 31650-2019. Therefore, it is necessary to further strengthen the investigation of usage and risk assessment of these veterinary drugs in China, and promote the integration with international standards. The results of this study are helpful to understand the gap between GB 31650-2019 and CX/MRL2-2018, promote the improvement of China’s veterinary drug residue limit system for animal-derived agricultural products, and provide reference for the production and safe use of veterinary drugs in China.