该研究利用响应面法优化一款富含益生元的代餐粉配方。利用高溶胀系数和具有饱腹感的魔芋精粉,添加具有改善肠道菌群的菊粉、低聚果糖、低聚异麦芽糖益生元,添加大豆分离蛋白、植物甾醇酯、木糖醇、香芋粉、三氯蔗糖成分,以代餐粉感官评分为指标,通过单因素试验、Plackett-Burman试验、最陡爬坡试验和Box-Behnken试验优化产品配方,并进行产品质量评价。结果显示,利用响应面方法优化得到最优配方为魔芋精粉添加量3.42 g、大豆分离蛋白0.80 g、植物甾醇酯0.23 g、益生元组合8.00 g(菊粉2.50 g、低聚果糖2.50 g、低聚异麦芽糖3.00 g)、木糖醇1.00 g、香芋粉1.20 g、三氯蔗糖0.005 g,实际感官评分为93.16。该配方代餐粉50 s即可充分溶解,冲调性较好,无颗粒,色泽均匀一致,口感细腻、黏度适中、味道纯正,气味协调,各理化指标及微生物检测按照国家食品相关标准进行了检测,结果均与添加量基本一致,符合国家标准。
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A meal replacement powder formulation rich in prebiotics was optimized using the response surface methodology (RSM) in this study. Since konjac exhibits a high swelling coefficient as well as high satiety and prebiotics, such as inulin, fructo-oligosaccharide, and isomalto-oligosaccharide, which can improve the intestinal flora, it was used to produce the meal replacement powder together with soy protein isolate, phytosterol esters, xylitol, taro powder, and sucralose. The single-factor, Plackett-Burman, and Box-Behnken designs, and steepest ascent method were employed to optimize the meal replacement powder formulation. Subsequently, the optimal formulation of the powder was evaluated based on its sensory quality. The formulation of the meal replacement powder optimized using the RSM included 3.42 g konjac, 0.80 g soy protein isolate, 0.23 g phytosterol ester, 8.00 g prebiotics (combinations of 2.50 g inulin, 2.50 g fructo-oligosaccharide, and 3.00 g isomalto-oligosaccharide), 1.00 g xylitol, 1.20 g taro powder, and 0.005 g sucralose. The actual sensory score of the optimized meal replacement powder was 93.16±0.73, and the powder could fully dissolve in 50±6 s. The meal replacement powder could dissolve well with no particles left, and it exhibited a uniform color, delicate texture, moderate viscosity, pure taste, and no strange smell. Moreover the physical, chemical, and microbial properties of the meal replacement powder were determined according to the national food standards, and the results met the requirements.