本试验旨在研究放养鸡肌肉品质和产肉性能。随机选取12周龄健康的放养铁脚麻母鸡10只,同时选取健康的笼养铁脚麻母鸡10只作为对照组,屠宰和产肉性能按“家禽生产性能名词术语和度量统计方法”中规定的方法进行,取胸肌和腿肌进行肉品质分析,主要分析蒸煮损失、pH、肉红度(a*)、黄度(b*)、亮度(L*)、电导率(EC)、肌肉中脂肪和蛋白质、腹脂率及产肉性能等指标。结果表明,放养鸡胸肌的蒸煮损失、pH45 min、pH24 h、b*45 min、蛋白质、脂肪、EC24 h分别为23.36%、5.65、5.65、17.67、83.16%、3.89%、6.80 mS/cm;腿肌的蒸煮损失、pH45 min、pH24 h、b*45 min、蛋白质、脂肪、EC24 h分别为24.21%、5.88、5.84、16.80、72.81%、13.37%、5.00 mS/cm。放养鸡腹脂率、屠宰率、全净膛率、胸肌率、腿肌率分别为3.31%、91.43%、64.90%、22.76%、23.13%。与笼养鸡相比,放养降低了肉鸡胸肌蛋白质和腿肌pH,提高了屠宰后45 min胸肌和腿肌的a*和b*。放养鸡具有较好的肉色、新鲜度、产肉性能,且放养鸡肌肉具有低脂等特点。
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In this work, the meat quality and meat production performance of free-range chickens were evaluated. Ten healthy free-range chickens from 12 weeks of age were randomly selected, and 10 healthy caged chickens from 12 weeks of age were used as the control group. The chickens were slaughtered in accordance with "poultry performance terms and methods". The breast muscle and thigh muscle were collected for meat quality analysis. The cooking loss, pH, redness (a*), yellowness (b*), lightness (L*), electrical conductivity and, fat and protein content in muscle, abdominal fat rate and slaughter performance were determined. The results showed that the cooking loss, pH45 min, pH24 h, b*45min, protein, fat, EC24 h of free-range chicken breast muscle were 23.36%, 5.65, 5.65, 17.67, 83.16%, 3.89%, 6.80 mS/cm, respectively. The cooking loss, pH45 min, pH24 h, b*45 min, protein, fat, EC24 h of leg muscles were 24.21%, 5.88, 5.84, 16.80, 72.81%, 13.37%, 5.00 mS/cm, respectively. The abdominal fat rate, slaughter rate, total eviscerated rate, breast muscle rate, and leg muscle rate of free-range chickens were 3.31%, 91.43%, 64.90%, 22.76%, and 23.13%, respectively. Compared with caged chickens, free-range chickens had better slaughter performance, meat color, freshness, and free-range chicken muscles had the characteristics of low fat.