为解决实际生产中咸蛋黄硬心、黑圈的问题,将三种天然抗氧化剂应用于咸蛋包泥腌制工艺中,比较其对咸蛋内质理化指标的影响。试验结果表明:料泥中添加茶多酚、虾青素、酵母硒不改变咸蛋成熟期(19 d),可显著减小蛋黄硬心质量比(5.75%、6.68%、9.06%,对照15.32%)和抑制黑圈生成(1%~6%、2%~5%、8%~15%,对照18%~41%)、且黑圈颜色浅,呈现浅灰色;蛋黄的硬度、弹性、咀嚼性显著降低。茶多酚与虾青素组较对照组可分别降低脂质初级氧化产物共轭二烯酸比率37.50%和31.25%,次级氧化产物丙二醛含量分别减少23.31%和41.56%(p<0.05),酵母硒影响不显著(p>0.05)。蛋黄的游离脂肪酸种类基本不变,相对含量略有变化:茶多酚组和虾青素组的不饱和脂肪酸总量、油酸、亚油酸含量较对照组显著增大,酵母硒组与对照组差异不显著。综合来看,蛋黄感官品质较对照组大幅提升,蛋黄色泽呈现橙红色,蛋黄脂质氧化分解程度减轻。鉴于茶多酚原来成本更低,茶多酚最适用于盐浸泥涂包法快速生产咸蛋。
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In order to solve the hard-core and black-circle problems of salted egg yolk in actual production, three natural antioxidants were added to the coating mud for salted eggs during pickling, and their effects on the physical and chemical indices of salted egg interior quality were compared. The results showed that the addition of tea polyphenols, astaxanthin, and yeast selenium to the mud did not change the maturity period of salted eggs (19 d), but significantly reduce the mass ratio of yolk hard core to whole yolk (5.75%, 6.68%, 9.06%, respectively, with 15.32% for the control), and inhibited the formation of black circles (1%~6%, 2%~5%, 8%~15%, respectively, with 18%~41% for the control). The treated eggs had black circles in lighter color (light gray color) and significantly reduced hardness, springiness and chewiness. Compared with the control group, the tea polyphenols and astaxanthin groups had decreased ratios of the primary oxidation product, conjugated dienoic acid (CDA; by 37.50% and 31.25% respectively),decreased contents of the secondary oxidation product malonaldehyde (MDA; by 23.31% and 41.56% respectively) (p<0.05), and insignificant changes of yeast selenium (p>0.05). Compared with the control group, the types of free fatty acids in the treated egg yolk essentially remained unchanged, but their relative contents changed slightly: the total content of unsaturated fatty acids, oleic acid, and linoleic acid increased significantly for the tea polyphenol group and the astaxanthin group, with those of the yeast selenium group exhibiting insignificant changes. Taken together, the organoleptic quality of the treated egg yolk was greatly improved, with orange-red color detected in the yellow color of egg yolk and a reduced degree of lipid oxidation/decomposition of egg yolk, compared with the control group. Considering the lower original cost of tea poly-phenols, tea polyphenols are most suitable for the rapid production of salted eggs by the salt-infused mud coating method.