干燥温度和相对湿度是影响挂面产品烹饪特性的主要控制条件。为明确不同温度、相对湿度及其互作对挂面烹饪特性的影响程度,分析不同干燥条件组合下挂面烹饪特性的变化规律,本文以小麦品种宁春4号为原料,实验室仿工业小试规模制作挂面,设计温度(40、60、80 ℃)和相对湿度(65%、75%、85%)的两因素三水平全排列干燥工艺实验,测定挂面产品最佳煮制时间、烹调吸水率、烹调损失率等煮制特性,以及煮熟挂面TPA质构特性。研究发现,不同干燥温度、相对湿度条件下,挂面煮制特性、TPA质构特性等烹饪特性存在显著差异(p<0.05)。随干燥温度、相对湿度升高,挂面烹饪特性变化趋势不尽一致。温度是影响挂面烹饪特性的主要因素,其次为交互作用,以及相对湿度。干燥温度对挂面最佳煮制时间、熟挂面质构特性等有极显著影响,方差贡献率超过70%。与传统干燥工艺条件(40 ℃/75%)相比,干燥组合60 ℃/75%条件下,产品整体烹饪质量得到一定程度的改善或提高。研究结果可以为挂面干燥工艺设计与优化、产品质量控制提供参考。
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Temperature and relative humidity in drying chamber are the two main parameters affecting cooking quality of Chinese dried noodles (CDN). To clarify the effects of temperature, humidity and temperature-humidity interactions on quality performance of CDN, the flour of Chinese wheat variety Ningchun 4 was used for small-scale industrial making of CDN under different drying conditions in laboratory. Three temperatures (40 ℃, 60 ℃ and 80 ℃) and three relative humidity (65%, 75% and 85%) were selected for designing the CDN drying experiment with two factors of three levels each. The quality evaluation of CDN showed that the cooking quality and texture of cooked CDN were significantly or extreme significantly affected by drying temperature, relative humidity, and their interaction. Complex quality changes of CDN were observed with the increase of drying temperature or humidity. Drying temperature was identified as the main factor affecting the cooking characteristics of the CDN, followed by temperature-humidity interaction and humidity. Temperature (with the variation contribution rate over 70%) had the greatest influence on the optimum cooking time and texture of cooked noodles. Compared with the traditional drying process condition (40 ℃ and 75% ), the quality of CDN was improved when it was dried at 60 ℃ and 75%. The results in this study will provide reference for the drying process optimization and quality control of CDN.