测定了北京市售8种干食用菌中镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)、砷(As)、汞(Hg)四种重金属含量,并利用内梅罗综合污染指数(p)评价法和计算目标危害系数(THQ)法对干食用菌质量等级及重金属膳食暴露风险进行了评价。结果表明,8种干食用菌中镉、铅、砷、汞四种重金属含量范围分别为ND~9.332 mg/kg、ND~2.060 mg/kg、ND~24.690 mg/kg、0.004~0.448 mg/kg,大部分重金属含量均低于国标中安全限量值,只有2.2%的镉和2.8%的砷超标。干食用菌重金属内梅罗综合污染指数表明,姬松茸的重金属污染最严重(p为1.41),达到轻度污染级,茶树菇的重金属污染达到警戒级(p为0.95),其他6种食用菌均属于质量安全等级。重金属膳食暴露风险结果表明,姬松茸中As的THQ>1,姬松茸、榛蘑、竹荪中四种重金属的TTHQ>1,表明姬松茸、榛蘑、竹荪三种干食用菌存在潜在的重金属膳食暴露风险,且姬松茸对镉、铅、汞三种重金属的贡献率均最大。本研究表明,北京市售8种干食用菌总体水平是安全的,重金属膳食暴露风险水平较低。
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The concentrations of 4 heavy metals Cd, Pb, As and Hg in eight kinds of dried edible fungi commercially available in Beijing were determined, and the potential health risks to the Beijing local residents via consumption of edible fungi were were analyzed based on the Nemorow complex pollution index (p) and target hazard quotients (THQ). The results showed that the concentrations of Cd, Pb, As and Hg in edible fungi were ND~9.332 mg/kg, ND~2.060 mg/kg, ND~24.690 mg/kg, 0.004~0.448 mg/kg, respectively. Most of the heavy metals in edible fungi were below the threshold levels of China quality standard for edible fungi, while the over-standard rates were 2.2%, 2.8% for Cd, As, respectively. The Agaricus blazeimuril is the most severely polluted edible fungi by heavy metals with p value of 1.41 (mild pollution level), and the p value of Agrocybe cylindracea is 0.95, reaching the food safety alert level, while the other six kinds of dried edible fungi were at safety level. The results of health risks associated with heavy metal were found that the THQ values of Agaricus blazeimuril for As and the TTHQ values of Agaricus blazeimuril, Armillaria mellea, and Dictyophora indusiate for 4heavy metals were all higher than 1. It was indicated that the local inhabitants were faced with potential health risk in some extent by ingesting heavy metals via consumption of these edible fungi, and Agaricus blazeimuril made more contribution to the Cd, Pb Hg. The above results showed that the dried edible fungi commercially available in Beijing were generally safe with low heavy metals exposure risk to the local population through consumption.