采用热风干燥、真空干燥和冷风干燥对海马进行干燥,比较不同干燥工艺下海马的干燥特性、水分有效扩散系数以及活化能的区别,并建立海马的干燥动力学模型。获得了50 ℃、60 ℃、70 ℃、80 ℃、90 ℃及100 ℃条件下海马热风干燥特性曲线,50 ℃、60 ℃、70 ℃、80 ℃及90 ℃条件下海马真空干燥特性曲线,20 ℃、30 ℃及40 ℃条件下海马冷风干燥特性曲线。以R2、χ2和RMSE为评价指标,选用13种典型干燥模型对海马的干燥曲线进行拟合,结果表明Page模型和Midilli模型最适合描述海马热风干燥过程;Page模型和Weibull模型可以准确描述海马真空干燥过程;Page模型、Logarithmic模型和Weibull模型可以很好的描述海马冷风干燥过程。海马热风干燥、真空干燥及冷风干燥的有效水分扩散系数Deff分别在1.1714×10-10 m2/s~6.7873×10-10 m2/s、4.9252×10-10 m2/s~10.4920×10-10 m2/s和2.3510×10-10 m2/s~4.0174×10-10 m2/s区间内,活化能分别为37.05 kJ/mol、18.75 kJ/mol和20.55 kJ/mol。
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Drying of seahorse by hot air, vacuum and cold air, the drying characteristic, effective diffusion coefficients, activation energy and mathematical modeling were investigated at various conditions. Kinetics of seahorse at 50 ℃, 60 ℃, 70 ℃, 80 ℃, 90 ℃ and 100℃ for hot air drying, 50 ℃, 60 ℃, 70 ℃, 80 ℃ and 90 ℃ for vacuum drying, and 20 ℃, 30 ℃ and 40 ℃ for cold air drying were obtained. With respect to R2, χ2 and RMSE, fitting of experimental data to 13 thin layer drying models resulted in Page and Midilli model were suitable model for hot air drying techniques, Page and Weibull model were suitable model for vacuum drying techniques, Page, Logarithmic and Weibull model were suitable model for cold air drying techniques. Effective diffusion coefficients Deff of hot air drying, vacuum drying and cold air drying varied between 1.1714×10-10 m2/s~6.7873×10-10 m2/s, 4.9252×10-10 m2/s~10.4920×10-10 m2/s and 2.3510×10-10 m2/s~4.0174×10-10 m2/s respectively. Activation energy values were 37.05 kJ/mol, 18.75 kJ/mol, and 20.55 kJ/mol respectively.