为了筛选具有改善代谢综合征作用的乳杆菌,本研究以高脂高糖饮食建立代谢综合征小鼠模型,以小鼠体质量、血脂水平、炎症因子水平和胰岛素抵抗指数为指标,从传统发酵食品中自主分离鉴定出6株乳杆菌并评价其改善代谢综合征作用。API 50 CHL糖发酵和16S rDNA部分序列测序比对结果表明,6株乳杆菌均为植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)。动物实验结果表明,与模型组比较,6株菌均具有降低小鼠体重、调节血脂紊乱、降低炎症水平、改善胰岛素抵抗的作用,但菌株间作用有差异。其中,植物乳杆菌S9能够明显改善代谢综合征模型小鼠的胰岛素抵抗指数(29.26%),并显著降低血清中总胆固醇TC(13.22%)、甘油三酯TG(9.97%)、低密度脂蛋白LDL-C(21.31%)、游离脂肪酸FFA(32.33%)的水平,提高高密度脂蛋白HDL-C(15.91%)的水平。植物乳杆菌S9能显著降低小鼠血清中炎症因子的水平(白细胞介素-1β,IL-1β 12.03%、肿瘤坏死因子-α,TNF-α 20.46%、白细胞介素-6,IL-6 15.90%、C-反应蛋白CRP 37.28%、脂多糖LPS 10.01%)。因此,基于上述筛选评价的结果,植物乳杆菌S9可作为潜在的功能性菌株用于代谢综合征的预防和治疗。
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In order to screen the lactic acid bacteria that can relieve the metabolic syndrome, a mouse model with metabolic syndrome was established using high-fat and high-fructose diet. The body weight, serum lipid levels, inflammatory factors, and insulin resistance index were detected to evaluate the effects of six strains of Lactobacillus on improving metabolic syndrome. The results of APICHL50 sugar fermentation and 16S rDNA partial sequence alignment results showed that six strains of Lactobacillus were identified as Lactobacillus plantarum. Furthermore, compared with the model group, all the strains could reduce body weight, regulate lipid disorders, down-regulate inflammation levels, improve insulin resistance. However, there were obvious differences in the functions among six strains. Our results indicated that L. plantarum S9 could obviously improve the insulin resistance index (29.26%), markedly decrease TC (13.22%), TG (9.97%), LDL-C (21.31%) and FFA (32.33%) levels and increase HDL-C (15.91%) in serum. Moreover, L. plantarum S9 could significantly decline the inflammatory factor levels in serum (IL-1β 12.03%, TNF-α 20.46%, IL-6 15.90%, CRP 37.28%, LPS 10.01%). Therefore, all above results imply that L. plantarum S9 can be used as a potential functional strain for the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome.