对菊黄东方鲀Fugu. flavidus、双斑东方鲀Fugu. bimaculatus、红鳍东方鲀Fugu. rubripes和暗纹东方鲀Fugu. obscurus鱼皮和鱼肉的营养成分进行分析和评价。结果显示,4种河鲀具有较高的蛋白质含量、较低的脂肪含量,鱼肉的蛋白质质量较好,而鱼皮含有较高的微量元素,更具鲜甜风味。其中,鱼皮的粗蛋白质含量(20.17%~37.61%)高于鱼肉(18.13%~23.27%),菊黄东方鲀最高,但是鱼肉的∑EAA/∑TAA(39.01%~43.11%)、∑EAA/∑NEAA(65.26%~71.57%)和EAAI(0.75~1.00)高于鱼皮(16.61%~20.49%、19.78%~25.70%和0.25~0.51),且符合FAO/WHO标准,双斑东方鲀的含量最高;鱼皮(0.20%~0.40%)和鱼肉(0.21%~0.4%)的粗脂肪含量均较低,鱼肉的∑FA(0.28%~0.39%)、w-3 PUFA(0.05%~0.15%)和w-6 PUFA(0.01%~0.09%)含量高于鱼皮(0.15%~0.24%、0.02%~0.03%和0.01%~0.04%),其中红鳍东方鲀的w-3 PUFA含量最高;菊黄东方鲀鱼皮含有较高的Ca含量(1737.47 mg/100 g),双斑东方鲀鱼肉含有较高的K含量(439.00 mg/100 g),红鳍东方鲀含有最高的Zn含量(0.90 mg/100 g和8.93 mg/100 g)。研究表明,4种河鲀均是高蛋白低脂肪的经济鱼类,氨基酸、脂肪酸和矿物质元素丰富、比例均衡、营养价值较高。
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Nutritional components of fish skin and fish meat of puffer fish, including Fugu. flavidus, Fugu. bimaculatus, Fugu. rubripes, Fugu. obscurus, were analyzed and evaluated. Four species of puffer fish had higher protein content and lower fat content, better protein quality of fish meat, but higher trace elements and more fresh and sweet flavor were found in fish skin. The crude protein content of fish skin (20.17%~37.61%) was higher than that of fish meat (18.13%~23.27%). The highest protein content was 37.61% in flavidus, Fugu. The ∑ EAA/∑TAA (39.01%~43.11%), ∑EAA/∑NEAA (65.26%~71.57%) and EAAI values (0.75~1.00) of fish meat were higher than those in fish skin (16.61%~20.49%, 19.78%~25.70%, 0.25~0.51, respectively). They were accorded with FAO/WHO standard and the highest content was Fugu. bimaculatus. The crude fat content of fish skin (0.20%~0.40%) and meat (0.21%~0.4%) was low. The ∑FA (0.28%~0.39%), w-3 PUFA (0.05%~0.15%) and w-6 PUFA (0.01%~0.09%) contents of fish meat were higher than those of fish skin (0.15%~0.24%, 0.02%~0.03%, 0.01%~0.04%, respectively). The highest content of w-3 PUFA was found in Fugu. rubripes. The fish skin of Fugu. flavidus contained higher Ca2+ content (1737.47 mg/100 g), the fish meat of Fugu. bimaculatus contained higher K+ content (439.00 mg/100 g), and the Fugu. rubripes contained the highest Zn2+ content (0.90 mg/100 g, 8.93 mg/100 g, respectively). The results showed that the four species of puffer are all high protein and low fat economic fishes, with rich and balanced proportion of amino acids, fatty acids and mineral elements and high nutritional value.