以红树莓籽为原料,采用索氏提取、超声提取、高剪切-超声提取法提取红树莓籽油,比较三种提取方法对红树莓籽油理化性质、脂肪酸组成成分、籽油中β-谷甾醇和α-生育酚含量以及体外抗氧化能力的影响,探究提取的最佳方法。结果表明,高剪切-超声提取法提取的红树莓籽油酸值、皂化值、过氧化值低,碘值高,在红树莓籽油中检测出19种脂肪酸,占红树莓籽油总成分的98.22%,其中亚麻酸和亚油酸分别为29.98%和48.07%;索氏提取法提取的红树莓籽油中β-谷甾醇和α-生育酚含量高,分别为97.37 mg/100 g和18.88 mg/100 g,对ABTS自由基的清除作用最强,与超声提取和高剪切-超声提取法有极显著性差异;超声提取法提取的红树莓籽油对DPPH自由基清除作用最强,只与高剪切-超声提取法有显著性差异。综合考虑,采用高剪切-超声提取法提取红树莓籽油,籽油品质好,活性成分丰富,且具有一定抗氧化活性。
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Red raspberry seed was used as raw material to extract red raspberry seed oil by soxhlet extraction, ultrasonic extraction and high-speed shear-ultrasonic extraction. The effects of three extraction methods on the physical and chemical properties of red raspberry seed oil, fatty acid composition, β-sitosterol and α-tocopherol content in seed oil and antioxidant capacity in vitro were invesigate to optimize the best extraction condition. The results showed that, compared to the other methods, red raspberry seed oil extracted by the high-speed shear-ultrasonic method had low acid value, low saponification value, low peroxide value and high iodine value. The 19 fatty acids were detected in red raspberry seed oil, accounting for 98.22% of the total composition of red raspberry seed oil, of which linolenic acid was 29.98% and linoleic acid was 48.07%. The content of β-sitosterol and α-tocopherol in red raspberry seed oil extracted by soxhlet extraction were 97.37 mg/100 g and 18.88 mg/100 g, respectively. The red raspberry seed oil extracted by soxhlet extraction had the strongest scavenging effect on ABTS free radicals. There was a significant difference between soxhlet extraction and the other methods. The red raspberry seed oil extracted by ultrasonic extraction had the strongest scavenging effect on DPPH free radicals. There was a significant difference between ultrasonic extraction and high shear-ultrasonic extraction. In conclusion, the high-speed shear-ultrasonic extraction method could be used to extract red raspberry seed oil, which has good quality, rich active ingredients and certain antioxidant activity.