本文以小麦粉为主要原料加工非油炸方便面,采用高温气流快速干燥技术使面条内部出现微孔结构,改善面条的复水性能。重点研究了干燥温度、时间和风速等因素对方便面品质的影响。在单因素试验的基础上,通过L9(33)正交试验对方便面的干燥工艺参数进行了优化,得到的最佳干燥工艺参数为:干燥温度160 ℃,干燥时间120 s,干燥风速21 m/s。在最佳干燥工艺参数条件下制作的热风微孔化方便面的复水时间(211 s)短于4 min, 同时不含外来脂肪,脂肪含量低于1%,水分含量为4.33%,其食用品质优于传统的非油炸方便面,并且可与对照的油炸方便面媲美。通过扫描电镜观察面条的显微结构发现,采用高温气流快速干燥工艺得到的方便面,其表面光滑,内部呈现出微孔结构,为其快速复水创造了基础。
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A kind of non-fried instant noodles was developed by using hot-air drying technology to make their inside micropores, and thus improve their rehydration property. Effects of drying temperature, drying time, and air velocity on the quality of instant noodles were investigated. Based on the results of single-factor tests, the optimum process parameters for drying instant noodles were obtained through orthogonal experiment design, and they were 160 ℃, 120 s, and 21 m/s for drying temperature, drying time, and air velocity, respectively. The rehydration time (211 s) of micro-pored instant noodles made under optimum parameters was shorter than 4 min, and contains no external fat. The fat content was less than 1%, the moisture content is 4.33%. Their eating quality was superior to the traditional non-fried instant noodles, and could be comparable to that of the control, fried instant noodles. Microstructure of instant noodles was visualized by using a scanning electron microscope. It was found that the surface of micro-pored instant noodles developed with hot-air drying technology was smooth, and the interior was microporous, which created the foundation for noodles to have a quick rehydration property.