本文基于多重指标的鮰鱼片构建品质量化评价。对待测的鮰鱼肉片分别进行白度、嫩度、解冻损失、三甲胺含量、K值(新鲜度)以及TBA(硫代巴比妥酸)的测定;对上述测定的数值采用标准差标准化法处理,获得其标准化后的数值:白度标准化后数值记为Zx1,嫩度标准化后数值记为Zx2,解冻损失标准化后数值记为Zx3,三甲胺含量标准化后数值记为Zx4,K值标准化数值记为Zx5,硫代巴比妥酸值标准化数字记为Zx6;采用主成分分析法建立数学模型,将标准化数值代入评价模型y=-0.095×Zx1+ 0.168×Zx2+0.34×Zx3+0.342×Zx4+0.313×Zx5+0.328×Zx6中,其中y为电商鮰鱼肉的品质评价结果:鮰鱼片的品质同解冻温度和储藏时间有关,解冻温度越低鮰鱼片品质越好,储藏时间越短,鮰鱼片品质越好,得到的y值判断电商鮰鱼肉的品质:y≥1,鱼肉品质极差,-1
[Key word]
In this study, the quality of Longsnout catfish pieces was quantitatively evaluated based on multiple indicators. The whiteness, tenderness, thawing loss, trimethylamine content, K value (freshness) and TBA (thiobarbituric acid) content were measured for catfish meat samples; the values determined above were normalized by standard deviation. The standardized values were obtained: the whiteness was normalized and the value was recorded as Zx1, the tenderness was normalized and the value was recorded as Zx2, the thawing loss was normalized and the value was recorded as Zx3, the trimethylamine content was normalized and the value was recorded as Zx4, and the K value was standardized and the value was recorded as Zx5, and the normalized thiobarbituric acid content was recorded as Zx6. The mathematical model was established by principal component analysis, and the standardized value was substituted into the evaluationmodel y=-0.095×Zx1+0.168×Zx2+0.34×Zx3+0.342×Zx4+0.313×Zx5+0.328×Zx6, where y is the quality evaluation result of e-commerce catfish meat. The quality of catfish meat was related to thawing temperature and storage time, the lower the thawing temperature, the better the quality of catfish meat, the shorter the storage time, the better the quality of the catfish meat, the obtainedy value determined the quality of the e-commerce catfish meat: y≥1, the quality of the fish is extremely poor, -1