烟道气中的酸性污染物对环境有着强烈的危害,并且其中的高浓度CO2也可能是造成温室效应的原因之一。本实验研究了小球藻作为一种可以有效固定高浓度CO2(15%,V/V)的生物材料,在赤霉素(GA)和三十烷醇(TA)的作用下对SO2气体和NO2气体的耐受性机制。研究结果表明,当微藻每天暴露于SO2-空气(1500 mL,50 mg/kg)和NO2-空气(1500 mL,50 mg/kg)的混合气体中时,小球藻生物量在赤霉素的作用下分别提高了1.32和1.27倍,在三十烷醇的作用下生物量分别提高了1.22和1.05倍。除此之外,细胞的体积也变得更大。通过对藻细胞的蛋白质、脂质、碳水化合物等生化成分的定量测定发现,GA和TA均有利于脂质积累和代谢,并且藻细胞的最大脂肪含量都可达到0.62 mg/mg干重,但对蛋白质的生成都没有明显的作用。高浓度的CO2会抑制藻类的碳水化合物的生成,但GA和TA不能有效提高碳水化合物的含量。本研究初步揭示了小球藻和生长激素GA与TA在烟道气捕集和能源材料应用产业中的潜力。
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Acidic pollutants in the flue gas have been known as strong toxicity to the environment. Besides, the high concentration of CO2 from flue gas might contributed to the greenhouse effect. Using Chlorella sp as effective biomaterials for fixation of high concentration of CO2 (15%, V/V), this study was to investigate the tolerance to moderate SO2 and NO2 gas derived from self-installation devices with the help of Gibberellin (GA) and triacontanol (TA). The cultures were exposed to SO2-air mixture (1500 mL, 50 mg/kg) and NO2-air mixture (1500 mL, 50 mg/kg) per day respectively, and the results showed that the biomass increased by 1.32 times and 1.27 times for GA addition, and increased by 1.22 times and 1.05 times for TA addition, respectively. Besides, the volumes of the cells became larger when growing with addition of GA and TA. The quantification of biochemical composition including protein, lipid, carbohydrate were investigated and the results showed that GA and TA had the same positive effects on the lipid accumulation and the maximal content of lipid, which amounted to 0.62 mg/mg of dry weight. Nevertheless, the content of protein had no obvious changes with the help of GA and TA. High concentration of CO2 had negative effect on carbohydrate production in the algae and the content of carbohydrate was not elevated by the addition of GA and TA. This study reveals the potential of applying Chlorella sp and growth hormones GA and TA to flue gas capture.