通过不同体积分数CO2气调包装处理,探讨CO2对轮南白杏采后生理和品质的影响,为生产上探寻简易的轮南白杏气调包装保鲜技术提供依据。在(1±1)℃冷藏环境下,使用高(1.50%~2.00% CO2)、中(2.50%~3.00% CO2)、低(3.50%~4.00% CO2)三种不同透气性膜包装果实,分析比较贮藏36 d包装内乙烯积累量、果实乙烯释放量和不同途径呼吸速率、果皮色度和质地物性与未处理的差异。结果表明,贮期不同体积分数CO2气调包装均不同程度地降低了果实乙烯释放量和包装内乙烯积累量。降低了果实总呼吸、糖酵解途径(Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas,EMP)、磷酸戊糖途径(phosthopentose pathway,PPP)和交替途径(alternative pathway,AP)呼吸速率,呼吸峰值延迟6~24 d,峰值降低12.89%~38.62%。较好地保持了果实色泽和质地,有效抑制果实软腐率、失重率的上升,较好地维持轮南白杏采后品质。其中,中透气包装(2.50%~3.00% CO2)鲜杏的保鲜效果最好。
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In order to provide basis for simple and efficient atmosphere packaging of ‘Lunnan’ apricot, the effects of CO2 concentration on postharvest physiology and quality of ‘Lunnan’ apricot were investigated using different concentrations of CO2 modified atmosphere packaging. The fruits were treated using bags with high (1.50%~2.00% CO2), medium (2.50%~3.00% CO2) and low (3.50%~4.00% CO2) gas transmission rate during storage at (1±1) ℃. The difference of ethylene accumulation in the bag, ethylene release rate and respiration rate by different pathways in the fruit, pericarp Chroma and texture were compared with the control. The results showed that different concentrations of CO2 modified atmosphere packaging during storage period reduced the ethylene release rate and ethylene accumulation in the package to different degrees. The different concentrations of CO2 modified atmosphere packaging reduced the total respiration in glycolysis pathway (EMP), pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), and alternating pathway (AP), and the respiratory peak was delayed by 6~24 days and the peak value was reduced by 12.89%~38.62%. The modified atmosphere packaging could keep the color and texture unchanged, and retard soft decay and weight loss effectively, and the storage quality of the ‘Lunnan’ apricot was well retained. Among the three treatments, medium gas transmission (2.50%~3.00% CO2) was the most effective method in terms of overall quality retention of apricots.