本项目以浓香型白酒丢糟为研究对象,研究巴氏灭菌、反应温度、食用酒精添加量、南极假丝酵母脂肪酶B(Candida antarctica lipase B,CALB)及反应时间等工艺条件对复糟酒酯化效果的影响。实验结果表明,经巴氏灭菌处理后,在食用酒精(95%,V/V)用量为20 mL/100 g丢糟、CALB酶添加量1.5‰(W/W)、20 ℃下反应3 d,增酯增香的效果最好,乙酸乙酯、己酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯及总酯含量依次为3.17 g/L、0.59 g/L、0.76 g/L、4.53 g/L。在此基础上进行1 kg酒糟处理量小试实验,得乙酸乙酯、己酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯及总酯含量依次为3.44 g/L、0.85 g/L、0.70 g/L和4.98 g/L,其中浓香型白酒的主要呈香物质乙酸乙酯和己酸乙酯分别较无CALB酶处理实验组提高了16.38倍和16.67倍,且放大前后各酯含量基本保持稳定。本研究为进一步放大实验提供了依据,对脂肪酶催化白酒丢糟资源化再生利用具有重要意义。
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In this study, distiller’s grains of Luzhou-flavor liquor were used as the research object, and the effects of processing conditions such as pasteurization, reaction temperature, edible alcohol addition, Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB) and reaction time on alcohol esterification were studied. The experimental results showed that the greatest enhancement on ester content and flavor occurred after pasteurization and reactions under the following conditions: Dose of edible alcohol (95%, V/V), 20 mL/100 g; amount of CALB enzyme, 1.5 ‰ (W/W), reaction temperature and time, 20 ℃ and 3 days. Under which, the contents of ethyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl lactate and total ester were 3.17 g/L, 0.59 g/L, 0.76 g/L and 4.53 g/L in the product, respectively. Accordingly, further experiments using 1 kg of distiller's grains were carried out, and the contents of ethyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl lactate and total ester were 3.44 g/L, 0.85 g/L, 0.70 g/L and 4.98 g/L, respectively. The amounts of the main aroma substances of Luzhou-flavor liquor, ethyl acetate and ethyl hexanoate, in the CALB-treated sample were increased by 16.38 times and 16.67 times, respectively, compared to those without CALB enzyme treatment, and the contents of individual esters remained constant after amplification. This study provides a basis for further amplification experiments, and is of great significance to lipase-catalyzed recycling of distiller’s grains.