本次研究主要为了解30种农药在茶叶中残留状况并对检测结果进行风险评估。随机采购茶叶390份,参考GB 2763-2016对30种农药进行检测,并采用@risk v 7.6风险评估软件对检测值进行拟合处理,同时结合点评估和@risk概率评估法评价其膳食暴露风险。结果表明390份茶叶中,农药中检出率最高的为联苯菊酯,高达39.2%。关于样本茶叶中多种农药联用的问题,48%的样品中未检出农药残留。其中203份茶叶中存在农药残留,114份样品中存在2种及以上农药残留情况。所有农药残留水平的95%拟合位点值均能满足GB 2763-2016要求,但有3种不能满足欧盟标准要求。只有一个茶叶的草甘膦检测值超出了GB 2763-2016要求。所检茶叶样品风险评估水平均处在可接受的水平,但甲氰菊酯的急性风险熵处于较高水平。
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To monitor the pollution level of pesticide residues in commercial tea and evaluate the health risk of dietary exposure, 390 tea samples were collected randomly. According to GB 2763-2016, 30 kinds of pesticide residues were detected. The risk of dietary exposure was assessed by point evaluation and @Risk v7.6 software. Health risk existed in the process of tea planting, such as overuse of pesticides and combined use of multiple pesticides. Among 390 samples, bifenthrin was the highest frequency of detection, reached to 39.2%. There were no pesticide residues detected in 48% tea samples. More than 203 samples contaminated by pesticide residues which include 114 samples contained more than 2 kinds of pesticide simultaneously. Fitting value near 95% site of all pesticide residues was lower than maximum residue limits of GB 2763-2016, but three of them were higher than maximum residue limits of European Union. Only glyphosate maximum residue value of a sample was higher than the limit value of GB 2763-2016.The health risk was at an acceptable level of safety, but except the acute hazard quotient fenpropathrin.