本文利用16S rDNA测序和高效液相色谱(HPLC)法等技术,研究了恒温和室温发酵过程对蕨菜泡菜的理化性质、乳酸菌及有机酸的影响。研究发现,室温发酵对发酵7 d泡菜卤汁及菜样的pH和可滴定酸总体变化影响不大(p<0.05),恒温和室温pH均下降到4.2,可滴定酸分别增加到了0.68%和0.65%,二者上升趋势显著(p<0.05);恒温发酵泡菜亚硝酸盐的峰值比室温发酵泡菜的峰值提前1 d出现,第7 d分别降到了0.68 mg/L、0.65 mg/L;感官评分整体可接受性结果表示室温泡菜7.5优于恒温泡菜7.2。室温泡菜相对于恒温泡菜中明串珠菌的存在降低了植物乳杆菌/明串珠菌的比例;相比室温泡菜乳酸含量103.09 mg/L,恒温泡菜达122.58 mg/L,二者乙酸含量分别为16.25 mg/L、18.90 mg/L,乳酸/乙酸含量的差异也是导致感官评分室温泡菜比恒温泡菜更优的主要原因;其中植物乳杆菌被鉴定为发酵过程中主要优势菌。
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In this paper, 16S rDNA sequencing and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used to analyze the effects of constant temperature and room temperature fermentation on the physicochemical properties, lactic acid bacteria and organic acids of fern kimchi. The results showed that room temperature fermentation had little effect on the pH and titratable acid of kimchi juice and sample within 7 days. The pH of both constant temperature and room temperature fermentation were decreased to 4.2 (p< 0.05), and the titratable acid increased to 0.68% and 0.65% (p<0.05), respectively. The peak value of nitrite in the kimchi under constant temperature appeared 1 d earlier than the kimchi under room temperature, and decreased to 0.68 mg/L and 0.65 mg/L on the 7 th day. The overall acceptability of sensory score showed that the room temperature-fermented kimchi (7.5) was better than the constant temperature-fermented kimchi (7.2). Leuconostoc species in the room temperature-fermented kimchi decreased the Lactobacillus / Leuconostoc ratio; the content of the lactic acidinthe constant temperature-fermented kimchi was 122.58 mg/L, while the room temperature-fermented kimchi was103.09 mg/L; their contents of acetic acid finally was 16.25 mg/Land 18.90 mg/L, respectively. The difference of lactic acid/acetic acid was also the main reason why the sensory score of room temperature-fermented kimchi was better than that of constant temperature-fermented kimchi. Lactobacillus plantarum was identified as the dominant bacteria in fern kimchi.