本文旨在研究菠萝蜜多糖(JFP-Ps)的体外酵解行为,通过收集新鲜的人体粪便建立体外酵解模型,电位法测定多糖酵解产物中pH值、铁氰化钾法分析还原糖含量变化、苯酚-硫酸法分析总糖含量变化以及气相色谱法分析短链脂肪酸(SCFA)组分和含量变化。研究结果显示,在体外酵解过程中,JFP-Ps酵解产物的pH值从5.78(0 h)降低至4.48(48 h),还原糖含量从16.63%±3.03%(0 h)增加至49.57%±1.65%(1 h),后持续降低至9.37%±2.22%(48 h),总糖含量从64.51%±0.86%(0 h)下降至16.98%±0.58%(48 h),总SCFA、乙酸、丙酸以及正丁酸的含量均显著提高。结果表明,JFP-Ps可被人体粪便微生物利用,酵解产物降低了反应体系的pH值和酵解产生乙酸、丙酸和正丁酸3种短链脂肪酸,研究结果可为菠萝蜜多糖源“益生元”产品的开发提供理论依据。
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The present study was to investigate the in vitro fermentation characteristics of polysaccharides from Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. Pulp (JFP-Ps) by human fecal inoculums. The change in the pH value, reducing sugar, total sugar and short-chain fatty acids of polysaccharide fermentation products were determined by potentiometric method, potassium ferricyanide method, phenol-sulphuric acid assay and gas chromatography, respectively. The results showed that the pH value of fermentation products of JFP-Ps significantly decreased from 5.78 (0 h) to 4.48 (48 h). The content of reducing sugar increased from 16.63%±3.03% (0 h) to 49.57%±1.65% (1 h), and then subsequently decreased to 9.37%±2.22% (48 h). The content of total sugar decreased from 64.51%±0.86% (0 h) to 16.98%±0.58% (48 h) and the levels of total short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), acetic, propionic and n-butyric acids were all significantly increased. These results indicated that JFP-Ps could be fermented by human gut microbiota, suggesting that JFP-Ps might have beneficial effects on intestinal health and could be used as prebiotics.