以柴达木大肥菇(Agaricus bitorquis(Quél.)Sacc)子实体为原料,基于超声波辅助提取手段,采用单因素、响应面优化试验针对超声波提取多糖工艺参数进行优化,结果表明:通过响应面优化提取条件,确定柴达木大肥菇粗多糖提取的最佳工艺为超声功率126 W,料液比1:36 g/mL,提取时间为15 min。采用在此提取工艺条件下提取获得的粗多糖进行动物评价实验,通过小鼠常压耐缺氧、亚硝酸钠中毒、急性脑缺血性缺氧三项抗缺氧试验,分别检测小鼠死亡时间、存活时间及喘息时间等指标,对数据进行方差分析,与对照组、阳性(红景天苷)对照组比较(p<0.05)差异显著,3项试验结果判断均为阳性;粗多糖试验组与空白对照组比较对小鼠死亡时间、喘息时间及存活时间的延长率分别为76.60%、50.33%及144.96%,粗多糖试验组与阳性对照组比较对小鼠死亡时间、喘息时间及存活时间的延长率分别为19.20%、34.20%及43.07%,综上分析,柴达木大肥菇子实体粗多糖具有较强的抗缺氧功效。
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Ultrasonic-assisted extraction optimized by single factor experiment and response surface methodology (RSM) was implemented to extract polysacchrides from the fruiting body of Agaricus bitorquis (Quél.) Sacc. Results showed that the optimal condition was ultrasonic wave power 130 W, liquid /solid ratio 1:40, extracting time 15 min. The anti-hypoxia effect of crude polysacchrides extracted by the optimal condition was evaluated by national standard method. The death time, survival time and the gasp time of mice under atmospheric hypoxia, sodium nitrite poisoning and acute cerebral ischemic hypoxia were determined. Compared with the blank control and the positive control (Rhodiola rosea), variance analysis showed that the anti-hypoxia effect of polysacchrides prepared by the optimal extraction condition were significant (P<0.05). Three test results were determined to be positive. Compared to blank, crude polysaccharides significantly extended the death time, survival time and the gasp time by 76.60%, 50.33% and 144.96%, respectively. The death time, survival time and the gasp time of the crude polysaccharides treatment were also 19.20%, 34.20% and 43.07% longer than the positive control, respectively. In conclusion, this study revealed that the crude polysaccharides from the fruiting body of Agaricus bitorquis (Quél.) Sacc have potent anti-hypoxia effects.