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In order to study the physicochemical characteristics of potato starch, the influence of potato starch mixed powder with different content of potato starch on the quality of fresh or dry potato hot-and-dry noodles was investigated using potato as raw materials. The results showed that the content of starch in the potato was 73.80%. The content of amylose and amylopectin in potato starch was 28.23% and 71.70% respectively. The content of RDS, SDS and RS in potato starch was 20.29%, 15.03% and 64.68% respectively. When the content of potato starch was 60%~70%, the water-holding capacity, water-absorbing expansibility and viscosity of the mixed powder were higher. The cooking characteristics and texture characteristics of fresh potato hot-and-dry noodles were improved when the content of potato starch was 70%~80%. For drying potato hot-and-dry noodles, the rehydration characteristics was the best when the content of potato starch was 70%. This study provided the theoretical basis for the application of potato starch to potato hot-and-dry noodles production. Hot-and-dry noodles were easier to digest with the increase of the potato starch content in potato hot-and-dry noodles. In conclusion, the suggested addition of potato starch was 70%.
湖北省技术创新专项(重大项目)(2016ABA085);武汉市晨光计划项目(2016070204010109);湖北省农业科技创新中心项目(2016-620-000- 001-035)