在前期薏仁米替代麸皮用于酱油酿造可行的基础上,通过将球拟酵母(T酵母)和鲁氏酵母(S酵母)添加到薏仁碎米酱醪中以探讨增香酵母添加方式对薏仁碎米酱油风味成分的影响,分别对不同处理的还原糖、总酸、氨基酸态氮、氨基酸及挥发性成分种类和含量进行测定并比较分析。在发酵第15 d和45 d分别添加T酵母和S酵母为2×106个/g(酱醪)时,酱醪中还原糖、总酸、氨基酸态氮及总氨基酸含量与空白组相比分别增加了2.8%、14.63%、2.41%及60.88%,且酱醪中酯类和醇类的种类及含量明显提高。结果表明在高盐稀态薏仁碎米酱醪中添加T酵母和S酵母有利于薏仁碎米酱油品质的风味成分的提高,使薏仁碎米酱油的酱香和酯香更浓郁,风味更醇厚。
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On the basis of the feasibility of using broken coix seed in the place of wheat bran for soy sauce brewing in the early stage, the effects of the addition method for aroma-producing yeast on the flavor composition of broken coix seed soy sauce were investigated by adding Saccharomyces cerevisiae (T-yeast) and Saccharomyces rouxi (S-yeast) to the sauce mash. The contents of reducing sugar, total acid, amino acid nitrogen and amino acids as well as the type and amount of volatile components resulted from different treatments were compared. When T-yeast and S-yeast were added at 2×106/g sauce on the 15th and 45th day of fermentation, the contents of reducing sugar, total acid, amino acid nitrogen and total amino acids in the sauce increased by 2.8%, 14.63%, 2.41% and 60.88%, respectively, and the types and contents of esters and alcohols in soy sauce mash were also improved significantly as compared with the blank group. The results showed that adding T yeast and S yeast to the high-salt diluted-state broken coix seed sauce mash benefited the improvement of flavor composition of the broken coix seed soy sauce, and made the sauce and ester scents of the broken coix seed soy sauce more concentrated and the flavor more mellow.