本文将CO2浸渍(carbonicmaceration,CM)作为一种干燥前处理方法,以生姜为原料,进行热风间歇微波联合干燥(AD&MW),探究不同压力、温度、处理时间的CO2浸渍条件对生姜热风间歇微波联合干燥的动力学及品质的影响,并进行薄层干燥数学模型拟合。实验表明:当生姜CO2浸渍的条件为0.2 MPa、40℃、10 h时,干燥速率相对较快,相比直接热风间歇微波联合干燥的时间最多可缩短45%,5种薄层干燥模型对生姜热风间歇微波联合干燥动力学的拟合结果显示,Modified Page模型的R2最大,χ2、RMSE相对较小,拟合效果良好。而当生姜CO2浸渍的条件为0.2 MPa、30℃、10 h时,处理后样品中姜酚的含量相对较高,其中6、8、10-姜酚、6-姜烯酚含量分别是是直接干燥样品的2.49倍、1.45倍、1.45倍、1.36倍。此外,CM处理能够较好地保留生姜的颜色,SEM结果显示CM增加了细胞的孔隙结构,提高了细胞膜通透性。
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In this paper, carbonic maceration was used as a pretreatment coupled with hot air-intermittent microwave drying (AD&MW)for ginger. The effect of pressure, temperature, and treatment time were explored on the drying kinetics and quality attributes of ginger. The mathematical model of thin layer drying was also studied. The results indicated that when the ginger was treated under 0.2 MPa, 40 ℃, and 10 h, the drying rate of ginger was the fastest, and the drying time was shortened by up to 45% compared with the direct drying samples. The fitting results of five thin layer drying models showed that the R2 of Modified Page model was the largest, the χ2, 2and the RMSE were relatively small. So the Modified Page model was proved to be in the best agreement with the experimental results. When the ginger was treated under the CO2 maceration condition of 0.2 MPa, 30 ℃, 10 h, the contents of 6,8,10-gingerol and 6-shogaol were 2.49, 1.45, 1.45, and 1.36 times compared with the directly dried sample, respectively. Furthermore, carbonic maceration can retain the color of ginger preferably. The SEM showed that carbonic maceration can also increase the porous structure of ginger and enhance the permeability of cell membrane.