本文研究了休闲卤豆干真空烘制工艺中不同烘制温度、时间对其品质、色泽和质构的影响。豆干卤制之后烘制是为了降低豆干中的水分含量和水分活度,延长产品的货架期,便于后续加工贮运,真空烘制在卤豆干加工领域中的应用及对其品质的影响鲜少报道。目前豆干成品的水分含量要求为(45.00±2.00)%,因此应选择合适的真空烘制工艺参数,使产品满足水分含量和水分活度要求的同时,尽量提高其质构和感官品质。对样品采用真空烘制的方法,研究烘制温度及时间,对卤豆干质构、水分含量的影响。结果表明:真空烘制温度、时间对卤豆干水分含量和质构特性影响显著;真空烘制工艺参数为60 ℃(30 min)时,样品的感官和质构特性最佳,同时水分活度最低,为0.832。真空烘制能最大限度降低卤豆干的水分含量,同时保持其原有的风味和色泽,提高其耐贮藏性,该方法为休闲豆干工业化生产和品质控制提供理论依据。
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This paper studied the effects of vacuum drying temperature and time on quality, color and texture of stewed dried tofu, in order to reduce the water content and water activity of the dried beancurd, prolong the shelf life of the products, and facilitate the subsequent processing and storage. Till then, there was only few report on the application of vacuum drying in manufacture of stewed beancured. To decease the moisture content of the dried beancurd to 45.00±2.00%. and improve its texture and sensory quality, vacuum drying method was applied and the effects of drying temperature and time on texture and moisture content of dried soybean were studied. The results showed that both the vacuum drying temperature and time had significant influence on moisture content and texture characters of stewed dried tofu. When vacuum drying parameters was 60 ℃ (30 min), the sensory and textural properties of samples were the best, and water activity was the lowest (0.832). Vacuum drying could decrease the moisture content of the stewed tofu, maintain its original flavor and color, and prolong its storage life. This method provided a theoretical basis for the industrial production and quality control of the dried beancurd based snacks.