番木瓜(Carica Papaya)是一种极具营养价值而被广泛种植的热带水果,其籽中含有苄基硫代葡萄糖苷(Glucosinolate,GS),约占番木瓜重量7%,是果肉加工的废弃物。GS主要存在于细胞空泡,当其接触到芥子酶就会被水解,生成异硫氰酸酯类(Isothiocyanates,ITCs)。ITCs是十字花科植物的次生代谢产物,是一类重要的有机合成中间体,公认具有防癌抗癌功效以及抑菌作用,异硫氰酸苄酯(Benzyl isothiocyanate,BITC)是ITCs中生物学效果最为明显的一种。BITC对许多癌症有明显的抑制作用,可以阻断癌细胞增殖分化;BITC对致病菌有抑制甚至杀死作用,这种抑菌活性可以作用于细菌和霉菌。本文结合国内外相关研究现状,综述BITC在防癌抗癌及抑菌方面的研究进展,为番木瓜籽副产物BITC更深一步的加工以及番木瓜综合利用率的提升提供一定的理论依据。
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Carica Papaya is one of the widely cultivated tropical fruits with high nutritious values. As the waste of papaya pulp processing, papaya seeds contain glucosinolates, which account for about 7% of papaya weight. Glucosinolates mainly present in cellular vacuoles, which can be hydrolyzed to produce isothiocyanates (ITCs) when exposed to mustard enzymes. ITCs is a secondary metabolite of cruciferae with anti-cancer and antibacterial effects and also an important intermediate in organic synthesis. The benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) is one of the most obvious biological effects in ITCs. BITC has a significant inhibitory effect on many cancers by blocking the proliferation and differentiation of cancer cells; and it can inhibit or even kill the pathogenic bacteria, which can act on bacteria and moulds. This review summarizes the research progress of anticancer and antibacterial functions of BITC, , and provides some theoretical basis for further processing of byproduct of papaya seed BITC as well as the improvement of comprehensive utilization rate of Carica Papaya.