为研究鹰嘴蜜桃软化机制,为鹰嘴蜜桃的保鲜提供新思路。利用LF-NMR技术测定了鹰嘴蜜桃果实水分分布及状态,并探讨了CaCl2、乙烯吸附剂和热烫处理对鹰嘴蜜桃果实硬度、呼吸强度、酶活性、果胶含量的变化,初步尝试建立硬度与原果胶含量间的关系。研究结果表明:新鲜鹰嘴蜜桃含有3种状态水分,其中自由水约占90%;硬度与原果胶含量具有较好的正相关;在贮藏过程中,鹰嘴蜜桃于贮藏的第3 d和第7 d出现呼吸高峰;随贮藏时间的延长,果实硬度逐渐下降,原果胶含量下降,PME活性增强,可溶性果胶先增加后减小。以上几种保鲜处理都能抑制果实硬度、呼吸强度、PME活性和果胶等指标的变化,其中以乙烯吸附剂的效果最好。该研究为鹰嘴蜜桃的软化机理研究与保鲜技术提供了理论依据。
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The softening mechanism of chick peach was studied to provide new ideas for the preservation of chick peach in this study. . The distribution and status of water in the chick peach fruit were determined by LF-NMR, and the effects of treatments with CaCl2, ethylene adsorbent and heat shocking on the firmness, respiration, enzyme activity and pectin content of the peach were studied. The results showed that the peaches contain 3 states of moisture, of which free water accounted for about 90%. The hardness was positively correlated with the raw pectin content. During storage, the respiration peak occurred at 3d and 7d. With the extension of storage time, the firmness of fruit and the content of pectin decreased gradually, the activity of PME increased, and the soluble pectin increased firstly and then decreased.. All the above treatments could inhibit the changes of firmness, respiration rate, PME activity and pectin content, among which ethylene adsorbent was the best. This research can provide theoretical basis for the study of softening mechanism and preservation technology of chick peach.