为寻找新型刺参干燥技术,本文采用实验方法研究了刺参在远红外干燥条件下的干燥特性,分析了相对含水率、干燥速率、收缩率和复水率等参数的动态变化规律,以及干燥温度对干制刺参品质的影响,比较分析了13种预测刺参远红外干燥特性的薄层干燥模型。结果表明,温度对刺参相对含水率、干燥速率、收缩率和复水率均有重要影响。在干燥初期,刺参的干燥速率与温度呈正相关,而到了干燥中后期,温度对干燥速率的正相关影响不太明显,甚至温度低的干燥速率反而更高。刺参收缩率和复水率均随干燥温度的升高逐渐增加,且温度越高增加越明显。60 ℃条件下干燥时间为14 h,干制品复水率可达5.0,且质量较好,是较理想的远红外干燥温度值。在干燥模型方面,Two-term exponential模型精度最好,R2可达0.993,能更好地的预测远红外干燥中刺参相对含水率的变化。
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In order to find new drying technologies of sea cucumber, the drying characteristics of sea cucumber with far infrared drying were studied in this paper. . The variation disciplines of relative moisture content, drying rate, shrinkage ratio and rehydration ratio of sea cucumber were analyzed, and the effects of drying temperatures on dried sea cucumber products were also studied. 13 kinds of dying models were selected for the best one to simulate the drying kinetics of sea cucumber with far infrared drying. The results showed that the drying temperatures have important influence on the relative moisture content, drying rate, shrinkage ratio and rehydration ratio. During the early stage of drying, the drying rates have positive correlation with the temperature, while negative correlation between the drying rate and temperature appeared in the middle and later stage. The shrinkage ratios and rehydration ratios increased with the increase of drying temperature, and higher temperature resulted in higher shrinkage ratio and rehydration ratio. In conclusion, for sea cucumber, the far infrared drying at 60 ℃ for 14 h was a preferable drying process, while the rehydration ratio reached 5.0 and had good quality. The two-term exponential model had the best precision among the drying models with R2 of 0.993, which could better predict of the changes of relative moisture contents of sea cucumber in far infrared drying.