本研究通过水浴加热牛肉使其达到不同的中心温度来探究胶原蛋白特性对嫩度及质构特性的影响,为煮制牛肉嫩度特性提供理论基础。将牛半腱肌肉在100 ℃水浴下加热至中心温度60 ℃、70 ℃、80 ℃、90 ℃、和100 ℃,通过测定其剪切力、蒸煮损失、水分含量、质构特性、胶原蛋白含量及热溶解性、共价交联以及扫描电镜等指标来探究嫩度的变化机制,最后通过相关性分析得出影响嫩度的关键因素。结果表明,随着中心温度的升高,牛半腱肌剪切力、胶原蛋白的含量及其热溶解性、羟赖氨酸吡啶啉、硬度、弹性、黏着性与咀嚼性增加;赖氨酸吡啶啉、凝聚性、胶黏性和回弹性下降。胶原蛋白含量以及可溶性胶原蛋白的溶解变性很大程度上影响了牛肉的嫩度,肉的弹性和咀嚼性与胶原蛋白含量以及共价交联有关,牛肉硬度下降与肌束膜肌内膜的完整性遭到破坏有关。
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In this study, the effects of collagen characters on the tenderness and texture of the beef was explored by heating beef to different center temperatures . The bovine semitendinosus muscle was heated untill the central temperature reached 60℃, 70℃, 80℃, 90℃, and 100℃ by using a 100℃ water bath. The results showed that with the increase of the center temperature, the shearing strength, collagen content, thermal dissolution, hydroxyl lysine pyridine, hardness, elasticity, adhesion and chewiness of bovine semitendinosus muscles were increased, while lysine pyridine, cohesion, adhesion and resilience were decreased. The collagen content and soluble degeneration of soluble collagen largely affected the tenderness of beef. The elasticity and chewiness of meat were associated with the content of collagen and the covalent crosslinking. The decrease in the hardness of beef was related to the destruction of the perimysium and endomysium.