本文研究了杂粮特膳米血糖生成指数及血糖负荷,为糖尿病等慢性病患者的饮食选择提供参考。通过测定杂粮特膳米饭、泰国香米饭、馒头和香米粥的血糖生成指数(Glycemic index,GI)和血糖负荷(Glycemic load,GL)值,同时测定各个受试物的升糖速率和降糖速率,对杂粮特膳米的控糖优势进行评估。结果表明,杂粮特膳米饭的GI值为65.8,GL值为9.83;泰国香米饭的GI值为76.3,GL值为15.09;馒头的GI值为85.4,GL值为15.82;香米粥GI值为79.7,GL值为15.76,与葡萄糖、泰国香米饭、馒头和香米粥相比,杂粮特膳米饭的GI和GL值最低,升糖速率和降糖速率亦最低,因此,其引起人体餐后血糖的反应更小,更适合糖尿病等慢性病患者食用。本文结果表明杂粮特膳米具有较低的GI和GL值,食用后有助于维持餐后血糖的稳定。
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The glycemic index and blood glucose load of coarse cereal functional rice were investigated in this study, to provide reference for the diet selection of patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus. The glycemic index (GI), glycemic load (GL), as well as increased and decreased blood glucose rate of different staples (coarse cereal functional rice, thai fragrant rice, steamed bread and rice porridge) were measured to assess the blood glucose controlling ability of coarse cereals functional rice. The results showed that the GI values of coarse cereal functional rice, thai fragrant rice, steamed bread and rice porridge were 65.8, 76.3, 85.4, and 79.7, respectively, and the GL values of those were 9.83, 15.09, 15.82, and 15.76, respectively. Compared with the glucose, thai fragrant rice, steamed bread, and rice porridge, the GL value and the rate of blood glucose increase or decrease for coarse cereal functional rice were all the lowest. Therefore, its blood glucose response was the smallest, it was more suitable as the healthy staple food for diabetic patients. The results showed that coarse cereal functional rice had lower GI and GL values, which would help maintaining the stability of postprandial blood glucose.