分别采用80%丙酮提取以及模拟胃肠消化法提取苹果中的多酚,测定提取物的多酚释放量以及抗HepG2细胞增殖的活性。结果显示,在水晶富士、嘎啦果和青苹果的80%丙酮提取物中,绿原酸的释放量最高,分别为30.72±1.54、22.37±1.12、8.70±0.44 mg/kg FW(Fresh weight,FW)。模拟胃消化后释放量较高的为原儿茶酸、对羟基苯甲酸、没食子酸和绿原酸等酚酸;模拟肠消化后释放量较高的为槲皮苷、槲皮素-3-葡萄糖苷、扁蓄苷等黄酮醇。水晶富士、嘎啦果和青苹果的模拟胃消化及模拟肠消化后的提取物(浓度分别为297、99、255 mg/mL和198、154、106 mg/mL)作用于HepG2细胞72 h后,细胞的存活率分别为26%、42%、44%和23%、28%、28%。这表明,模拟胃消化主要促进酚酸的释放,模拟肠消化主要促进黄酮醇的释放;在一定浓度范围内,苹果模拟胃肠消化提取物对HepG2细胞有较强的抗增殖活性。
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The apple polyphenols were extracted by 80% acetone extraction. After simulated gastrointestinal digestion, , the polyphenols release of the extract and its antiproliferation activity on-HepG2 cell were determined. The results showed that the release contents of chlorogenic acid was the highest in the 80% acetone extracts from different apple varieties Crystal, Gala and Green, being of 30.72 ± 1.54, 22.37 ± 1.12 and 8.70 ± 0.44 mg/kg FW (Fresh weight, FW), respectively. After simulated gastric digestion, high amounts of protocatechuic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, gallic acid, chlorogenic acid and other phenolic acids were released, while high contents of quercitrin, quercetin-3-glucoside, stearosine and other flavonols were released after simulated intestinal digestion. The cells survival rates were 26%, 42%, 44% and 23%, 28%, 28%, respectively, after HepG2 cells were treated with simulated gastric digestion and simulated intestine digestion of the apple extracts from Crystal, Gala and Green (concentrations of 297, 99, 255 mg/mL and 198, 154, 106 mg/mL, respectively) for 72 hours. This indicated that the simulated gastric digestion mainly promoted the release of phenolic acids, while the simulated intestinal digestion mainly promoted the release of flavonols. In a certain concentration range, apple extracts by simulated gastrointestinal digestion had strong antiproliferative activity against HepG2 cells.