研究了复合涂膜处理对滑子菇保鲜效果的影响。以海藻酸钠为成膜剂,加入百里香精油、乳酸链球菌素(nisin)和L-半胱氨酸等制成可食性复合涂膜。采后滑子菇分别进行复合涂膜处理,蒸馏水作为对照;复合涂膜后接病原菌处理,不接菌作为对照,室温放置,定期测定滑子菇部分指标的变化。结果表明:复合涂膜可使过氧化物酶(POD)活力峰值延缓两天出现,降低苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)活力下降速度,提高子实体内氧化酶活力,降低滑子菇可溶性蛋白质下降的速度,抑制丙二醛(MDA)含量的增加,延缓类黄酮和总酚的积累。说明复合涂膜可有效延缓菇体衰老,保留更多营养价值,保持菇体品质。贮藏结束时,复合涂膜组滑子菇菌落总数仅为2.82×104 CFU/g,对照组为22.82×104 CFU/g,说明复合涂膜可以抵御微生物的入侵,减少滑子菇腐败、染病的可能性。
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Effects of edible composite coating on the preservation quality of pholiota nameko during refrigeration storage were investigated. The preservation coating experiment was prepared using sodium alginate as the film-forming agent, adding thyme essential oil, nisin, L-cysteine and coalescing agents. The physiological and biochemical changes of the mushroom were studied after treatment with composite coating.. The results obtained are as follows: the composite coating could effectively delay the apparence of peroxidase(POD) activity peak, delay the decrease of the phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) activity, enhance the oxidation activity of oxidase, reduce the decrease of soluble protein and inhibit the increase of MDA content.. In addition, composite coating also could delay the accumulation of flavonoids and total phenol. The results indicated that composite coating could effectively delay the mushroom body aging, retain more nutritional value and keep the mushroom body quality. At the end of the storage period, the total colonies number of the composite coating group was only 2.82×104 CFU/g, while 22.82×104 CFU/g of the control group which indicated that composite coating treatment could resist microbial invasion, reduce the possibility of corruption and infecting diseases in nameko.