研究对比了水蒸汽蒸馏和两段式双温水蒸汽蒸馏对油脂中邻苯二甲酸酯类塑化剂DBP和DEHP的脱除效果,同时考察了脱除条件对油脂中VE和TFA的影响。结果表明,在240 ℃、100 min的水蒸汽蒸馏条件下,茶籽油和大豆油中DBP含量分别从2.63 mg/kg、3.01 mg/kg降至0.16 mg/kg、0.23 mg/kg,DEHP含量在260 ℃、100 min的条件下分别从7.72 mg/kg、3.24 mg/kg降低至0.78 mg/kg、1.23 mg/kg,均达到国标DBP≤0.3 mg/kg、DEHP≤1.5 mg/kg的限量规定。为了将油脂中DEHP含量降至国标规定以下,油脂需经260 ℃、100 min的水蒸汽蒸馏,在此条件下,茶籽油和大豆油中VE损失率分别为40.6%和21.4%,且大豆油中反式脂肪酸含量升至4.75%。采用190 ℃、60 min和260 ℃、30 min的两段式双温水蒸汽蒸馏条件,可以在较短的高温条件下使大豆油中DBP和DEHP含量分别降至国标限量规定以下,且使油脂中VE损失率和TFA含量明显降低。
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The effects of steam distillation and two-stage dual-temperature steam distillation on the removal of phthalate ester plasticizers dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) from edible oils were investigated. Meanwhile, the effect of operating conditions on the loss of vitamin E and the formation of trans-fatty acids (TFAs) in edible oils were discussed. The results showed that when the distillation was conducted at 240 ℃ for 100 min, the DBP content in camellia oil and soybean oil was reduced from 2.63 and 3.01 mg/kg to 0.164 and 0.232 mg/kg, respectively. When the distillation was conducted at 260 ℃ for 100 min, the content of DEHP in two oils was reduced to 0.784 and 1.226 mg/kg from 7.72 and 3.24 mg/kg, respectively. All the above DBP and DEHP content after distillation was lower than the national standards (DBP?0.3 mg/kg; DEHP?1.5 mg/kg). To reduce the DEHP content to be lower than the national standard, steam distillation at 260 ℃ for 100 min was required. Under these conditions, the loss rates of vitamin E in camellia oil and soybean oil were 40.6% and 21.4%, respectively, and the content of TFAs in soybean oil was increased to 4.75%. A two-stage dual-temperature steam distillation (190 ℃, 60 min and 260 ℃, 30 min) reduced the DBP and DEHP content to be lower than the national limits under a short high-temperature condition, and the loss of vitamin E and the content of TFAs were significantly reduced.