为探究固载二氧化氯对南美白对虾的保鲜作用,采用10 mg/L和20 mg/L的固载二氧化氯处理南美白对虾,以未处理的南美白对虾作为对照,检测的指标包括:感官品质、黑变、质构、K值、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)、硫代巴比妥酸(TBARS)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)活力和菌落总数(TVC)等。实验表明:在0 ℃的贮藏条件下,用固载二氧化氯处理南美白对虾,能够有效地维持南美白对虾在贮藏期间的感官品质,减少南美白对虾表面黑变现象,延缓其质构的劣变,抑制其K值的上升,有效地降低其TVB-N含量和TBARS值,并且对抑制南美白对虾PPO活性以及减少其菌落总数均起到显著的作用(p<0.05)。而且,20 mg/L固载二氧化氯的保鲜效果优于10 mg/L固载二氧化氯。这表明固载二氧化氯对南美白对虾的保鲜效果良好,为固载二氧化氯对南美白对虾的保鲜应用提供了参考。
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The present study was performed to investigate the effect of solid chlorine dioxide on the quality of Penaeus vannamei. These shrimp were treated with 10 or 20 mg/L solid chlorine dioxide and subsequently stored at 0 ℃. The parameters used to assess the quality of Penaeus vannamei included sensory quality, melanosis, and texture properties. To this end, the K value, total volatile base-N (TVB-N), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), activity of polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and total viable counts (TVC) were assessed in this study. The results indicated that solid chlorine dioxide was beneficial in retaining sensory quality, preventing melanosis, and delaying texture deterioration when Penaeus vannamei was stored at 0 ℃. Furthermore, treatment with solid chlorine dioxide decreased the K value, TVB-N, and TBARS, suppressed PPO activity, and reduced TVC (p<0.05). With respect to dosing, the beneficial effects of the 20 mg/L exposure was more prominent than the 10 mg/L dose. These results showed that solid chlorine dioxide could potentially preserve the quality of Penaeus vannamei. This research provides a basis for the application of solid chlorine dioxide in the preservation of Penaeus vannamei.