湿热处理马铃薯全粉,研究水分含量、时间和温度对马铃薯全粉微观结构、还原糖、结晶度、溶胀度、吸油性、冻融稳定性和糊化等品质指标的影响。结果表明:湿热处理使得马铃薯全粉的结晶度和溶解度升高;冻融稳定性、吸油性、膨胀度、峰值黏度、谷值黏度、最终黏度、崩解值、回生值和还原糖含量降低。当温度和时间一定,水分含量为30%时,溶解度和还原糖含量最高,峰值黏度、谷值黏度和最终黏度最低。当水分含量和温度一定时,不同时间对马铃薯全粉各品质指标的影响之间没有明显差异。当水分含量和时间一定,温度为110 ℃时,还原糖含量和溶解度最高。温度为120 ℃时,冻融稳定性、峰值黏度、谷值黏度、最终黏度、回生值和崩解值均最低。说明,湿热处理对马铃薯全粉的品质有显著影响(p<0.05)。
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Potato flakes were heat-moisture treated, and the effects of different moisture contents, times, and temperatures on the microstructure, crystal structure, content of reducing sugar, solubility, swelling power, oil-holding capacity, freeze-thaw stability, and paste properties were investigated. The results indicated that heat-moisture treatment increased the degree of crystallinity and solubility, but reduced swelling power, oil-holding capacity, freeze-thaw stability, peak viscosity, trough viscosity, final viscosity, breakdown value, setback value, and content of reducing sugar. When the temperature and time were constant and the moisture content was 30%, the solubility and content of reducing sugar reached the highest levels , but the peak viscosity, trough viscosity, and final viscosity reached the lowest levels. When the temperature and the moisture content were constant, there were no significant differences between the effects of different times on the quality indicators of potato flakes. The maximum reducing sugar content and solubility were reached when the moisture content and time were constant and the temperature was 110 ℃. When the temperature was 120 ℃, freeze-thaw stability, peak viscosity, trough viscosity, final viscosity, breakdown value, and setback value reached their lowest levels. Therefore, heat-moisture treatment significantly affects the quality of potato flakes (p<0.05).