南极磷虾油因其独特的组分特征和良好的营养和功能特性受到广泛的关注。为了解不同制备方法对南极磷虾油品质特性的影响,论文采用有机溶剂直接提取法(SE)、超临界CO2萃取法(SFE)和压榨法(TPE)等方法提取南极磷虾油,利用油脂评价指标(酸价、过氧化值和碘价等)分析、比较提取南极磷虾油的品质特征。结果表明:采用SFE、TPE和SE法提取南极磷虾油的得率分别为9.02?10-2、(9.05?10-2,3.98?10-2)和(14.33?10-2,12.43?10-2和9.14?10-2) g/g。有机溶剂直接提取法(乙醇)制备南极磷虾油的过氧化值,碘值和皂化值优于其他两种方法制备的南极磷虾油。SFE法制备的南极磷虾油磷脂含量高于其他两种方法制备的南极磷虾油。研究结果将为不同制备方法对南极磷虾油品质特性的控制及保持提供理论依据。
[Key word]
Antarctic krill oil has received widespread attention owing to its unique composition and beneficially nutritional and functional properties. The processing quality (peroxide value, acid value, and iodine value) and physicochemical quality (fatty acid composition, vitamin E, and astaxanthin content) of solvent-extracted (SE), twin-pressing-extracted (TPE), and supercritical fluid-extracted (SFE) Antarctic krill oil were evaluated and compared. The oil yield obtained by SFE, TPE (heat-treated, non-heat treated), and SE (chloroform/methanol, ethanol, hexane) approaches was 9.02?10-2, (9.05?10-2, 3.98?10-2), and (14.33?10-2, 12.43?10-2 and 9.14?10-2) g/g, respectively. The peroxide, iodine, and saponification values of SE (ethanol) Antarctic krill oil were superior to those of the other five types tested. The phospholipid content of SFE Antarctic krill oil was superior to that of the other five types. These results provide a basis for the control and preservation of the quality characteristics of Antarctic krill oil extracted using different methods.